Voting for a Godly Candidate: Biden? Trump? JESUS!!!
January 24, 2024
Updated and Revised July 10, 2024
My dear Friends,
We have a great privilege as citizens of the United States to vote. This year, 2024, is the most important election year that we will ever see. I want to make this dreadfully clear. I believe we are in the last days of "The Last Days." This is a serious election year. When I watched the first Presidential debate with Joe Biden and Donald Trump on June 27, 2024 my heart sank in sadness; although, I did not have any great expectations. There is a man currently in the White House who is not fit to hold any position of any kind. It is unbelievable that this man is President. And it is exceedingly worrisome that he was put into office by a majority of the American voters. The vast majority of Americans are sitting in Satan's house. We see this in the Book of Romans:
"And then all hell broke loose: rampant evil, grabbing and grasping, vicious backstabbing. They made life hell on earth with their envy, wanton killing, bickering, and cheating. Look at them: mean-spirited, venomous, fork-tongued God-bashers. Bullies, swaggerers, insufferable windbags! They keep inventing new ways of wrecking lives" (Romans 1:28-30 MSG).
Isn't it true? "They keep inventing new ways of wrecking lives?" Joe Biden was on his deathbed. Or so it appeared--bug-eyed, white and clammy, mouth agape, slurring and muttering words, incoherent, off-subject, childish and provoked to anger and mean-spirited. I suspect that he was given a medley of stimulants prior to the debate by his handlers. I would hate to see him on his off-days. Shame on his wife and all who propped him up on the stage. The reprobates of the Democratic Party have taken full charge of him and Satan has welcomed all of them into his abode. Lies freely flowed out from both of the candidates mouths. Is this the best there is? Heaven forbid! This is the "End Times." Do not be deceived! We are getting so ever close.
The leaders we choose to manage, legislate and protect our country (and citizens) directly affects our lives in many ways. It is therefore, important to elect godly candidates whose decisions are blessed by God. A godly candidate is one who holds God's Word and His desires and conducts his life accordingly. A godly candidate fears the Lord and loves Him. And by loving Him, he obeys the commands of God, has a deep relationship with God and works hard to transform his office to the will of God. His decisions are based on the Word of God and he relies on the Word of God regarding all of his decisions.
Can a Christian vote for a liberal? No, almost never. A Christian supports God and prays that those in authority have revelation of Jesus Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit and truth. Voting for anyone whose beliefs are contrary to the will of God and supports sin is an affront to God, and God will deal with corrupt leaders as He deals with the godless and God haters and unrepentant and unforgiving sinners.
A Christian should vote for the godliest candidate; one who supports a godly agenda. Does the candidate associate with Christians? Is he or she a true Christian? “You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew: 7:16, 20). Most (perhaps all) politicians, sadly, are not fruitful. The spiritual man with spiritual discernment, given by God through the Holy Spirit knows this. Could you support a candidate that is pro-abortion? No. Could you support a candidate with sympathetic socialist, Marxist views? Of course not. What about a candidate who does not support capital punishment? No. A candidate who supports legalized marijuana, same sex marriage, pride parades, and other perversions? Absolutely not. Could you support a candidate known as a liar and manipulator? Of course not! No Christian can support such candidates with these godless character traits and agendas, moreover, debased minds. Only a depraved and perverted mind could accept detestable filth and lawlessness. Yet, the country is filled with hardened hearts of satanic blindness, where evil has become good and good has become evil. Let us pray that those in government and all with debased minds have revelation of Jesus Christ and that they obey His commands and are born again in the Spirit.
Know Your Elected Officials
When the time comes to vote, know your candidates well. Where do they stand with God? Do they have peace with God? Do they even understand what it means? Here is your quick check list:
- Does the candidate walk in the light [1 John 1:5-7]
- Does the candidate believe in pro-life 100 percent?
- Does the candidate outwardly talk about Jesus Christ?
- Does the candidate outwardly support and profess the Ten Commandments?
- Does the candidate keep the commandments?
- Does the candidate support liberty and freedom for all? This means equal treatment, not privileged or special treatment for different minority groups?
- Does the candidate show fruits of the Spirit [Galatians 5:22-23]? Love, peace, joy, longsuffering, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.
- Does the candidate love what God loves, and outwardly confronts the evils that God hates? That is, does the candidate despise what God despises? God hates sin. All of it.
- Does the candidate love and support the nation of Israel and the Jewish people?
- Does the candidate support a limited government and free market society?
- Does the candidate walk in righteousness? [1 John 2:6].
- Does the candidate have a genuine care for others?
- Is the candidate vocal on the evils of liberalism, progressivism, socialism, communism, Marxism and other anti-God agendas?
When You Cannot Assess a Candidate
Most candidates websites leave out a lot of information about the candidate. To get the answers we need for choosing the most godly candidate, we will have to call or visit the candidate's local campaign office and ask a few questions.
Many times it is easier to have your questions answered by local candidates. The following is a list of questions you could ask the candidate or if married, his or her spouse. If they are not available talk to anyone in the office who is able to answer your questions:
- What church does the candidate attend? Go to the church website. Is the pastor following the Word of God? You could visit the church to see firsthand whether the church is a god fearing church. Many churches today do not preach the Word of God as it is written.
- Is he involved in the church and what is his involvement?
- What gifts of the Spirit does he or she have?
- How much time do you spend in prayer daily?
- How much time are you in the Word of God daily?
- Do you love the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
- Do you support Israel?
- What are your views on abortion?
The aforementioned are only a few questions you could ask to find the true character of the candidate. To be a "good" citizen takes effort. To be a "good" citizen and a "godly" citizen takes the work of the Holy Spirit to guide us in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We pray over our candidates and we pray to Almighty God that we vote for the candidate God would choose.
What Does God Hate?
We could also choose a candidate by what God hates? We turn to Proverbs 6:16-19 to see a few of the things God hates:
These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
God hates a proud look, an arrogant, self-righteous and the pride that motivates him. God hates the proud, but people [the world] like the proud. Do not confuse pride with confidence. The proud are self-centered, full of self-conceit. God loves the humble--the self-confident in God (I can do all things through the One [Jesus Christ] who empowers me within [Philippians 4:13]).
God hates a lying tongue. Politicians seems to lie a lot. Many voters excuse the lying or are completely deaf to the lying. Many deeply rooted liberal politician are so accustomed to lying it has become natural to them; it has become a disease of the tongue. We know that Satan is the king of liars. Jesus said this in John 8:44:
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.
God hates the shedding of innocent blood. What is innocent blood? A baby in the womb is innocent blood. There is justified killing and unjustified killing. One is justified to kill in a just war and for self-defense. But, any candidate who supports the shedding of innocent blood (abortion) is unqualified to lead. A nation that kills babies is a nation under God's curse.
God hates hidden motives of the wicked heart and hates those who are quick to do evil. A candidate who does things to get elected, to get votes or votes for issues against his own conscious is hated by God.
"A false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren (verse 19)" is an abomination to God. God hates (an abomination) the act of one lying to discredit another person. Many political candidates have done this in the past and actively continue to do it today. They do not fear God because they are not born anew with the Spirit of God in them.
It is the pride of life, which is of the world [1 John 2:16], that destroys most men and separates them from the kingdom of God.
God also hates all workers of iniquity (Psalm 5:5). God hates the wicked and the violent (Psalm 11:5). God hates a liar (Proverbs 6:17. God hates evil, pride, arrogance, and a perverse mouth (Proverbs 8:13). He hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). God hates those who see evil and do nothing (Leviticus 20:2, Deuteronomy. 12:31). God hates those who commit sexual sin (adultery, incest, homosexuality, bestiality) (Leviticus 20:10-21. God hates idolaters (Jeremiah 44:3-4). Can you see any of your elected officials in this short list of what God hates? I do. How many in the U.S. Congress worship false gods? Are there Muslims in Congress? Are they idolaters? Yes. Are there liars in Congress and Senate (even compulsive liars)? Yes. A few compulsive liars in government are Adam Schiff, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Rashida Tlaib, IIhan Omar to name a few. What do these liars have in common? They are Democrats and none are Christian. Most of the aforementioned are also anti-Semites. They do not fear the Lord. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
The United States has had its share of ungodly presidents. If fact, in recent history I do not know any candidates who have confessed to being born again. In the past fifty years Ronald Reagan might be listed as the godliest. But Donald Trump has done more for Christians and Jews than any other President. Barrack Obama is the least godliest with Joe Biden running a very close second as completely corrupted, ungodly, incompetent and unqualified to be President of the United States. Joe Biden is a sad and pathetic reprobate, pretending to represent the American people. What is sad and disgusting is that over 50 percent of American voters voted for him. He might go down as the worst President to be elected to office and it is hard to believe anybody would vote for him. America has become a perverse society, deceived and blinded of truth. I believe Donald Trump is closer to God than Joe Biden, by a large margin. Donald Trump is a stronger, more intelligent leader in every aspect compared to Joe Biden. Our founding fathers, for the most part, were God fearing men. God does not choose perfect men to do the job He wants them to do. I believe Donald Trump is the best choice for such a time as this. We are in the Last Days. In fact, we are in the last of the Last Days. If you cannot see this, then you have had your head buried deep in the sand or worst, you have joined the ranks of the apostates and reprobates. It is time to pay attention. We are likewise guilty if we do nothing and continue to let evil persist in our government.
Summing Up
In the beginning of this epistle I mentioned that Christians can almost never support a liberal candidate. The words almost never is important because sometimes or in many situations candidates are not always cut and dry, Godly or ungodly in appearance or conduct and in many cases their beliefs on certain issues are unannounced or diverted from the truth. Sometimes we have to choose the lesser evil. Let's pray that God directs us to the candidate that is closes to Him.
A conservative does not mean the candidate is a God fearing Christian. In fact, roughly 50 percent of conservatives are not Christian [born again]. Many conservatives are conservative in only their business or social views. They believe in small government, anti-socialist programs, hard on drug offenses, including marijuana and other mind altering drugs, and strong on military defense. But a true Christian candidate believes in fulfilling God's will through God's Word and not succumbing to the deception of carnal man and the so-called "new world order" of liberalism." ".... He [the Holy Spirit] who is in you is greater than he [Satan] who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
In his leadership position, a politician represents the people in his district; and more importantly, he is a representative of God. And his actions should be in alignment with the Word of God. When our representatives are in union with God, his constituents will always benefit. When he is not in communion with God, his constituents will suffer. A nation will always suffer when it turns away from God. Look at the United States today. The U.S. is a shipwreck--its cargo is sinking and its people are drowning in filth. The United States is suffering now because we have left God out of government, and people have voted in ungodly candidates to legislate over them.
A Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon (cult), Jehovah Witness (cult), conservative is not a Christian. Their whole belief system is greatly flawed with perverse, false religious ideas and false doctrine, not to mention false, imaginary god(s) (Islam, Hindu, etc.). God hates idolatry. The idolater is under demonic influence. This is why there is so much suffering among idolatrous nations (most of the African nations [Sudan, Somalia, Algeria, Libya, too numerous to mention], Asian [India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea and many others] , Middle East [Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and others].
So who do we support and cast our vote for? The answer is simple: The best candidate who will represent God and His agenda. However, we cannot support any candidate who is pro-abortion [pro-murder of the innocent], pro-homosexual behavior, pro-socialism [pro-Marxist or communist], pro-transgenderism, evil meddling with the minds and bodies of children, careless with money and spending, supporting, doing business with and making alliances with evil and corrupt nations and leaders, and anything that is against God and His will. Jesus came to set us free from the slavery of sin not to be joined in it.
In Romans 1:28-32, the Apostle Paul gives us a vivid description of God giving them [the godless] over to a reprobate mind. Many men and woman in our government (those elected and appointed) are seen here:
Let's vote for godly men and woman. And if we cannot find them on the ballot, pray to Almighty God to help you choose the best candidate. Pray always for our government and those in leadership, that not only the will of God be fulfilled, but that the knowledge of God is sought after.
Faithfully yours in Christ Jesus,
Mihran Kulhanjian
Mihran Kulhanjian
Christian Revival Mission, Inc.