Salvation--Wrapping it All Up

by Mihran Kulhanjian
Dear Friends,
Through our faith in Jesus Christ God offers us salvation. We are saved by God's grace (grace means unmerited favor [we do not deserve it]) alone through our faith in Jesus Christ alone, not by any religion, people, gurus or groups, or any good works we do. You cannot buy or bride God with good works.
There are four conditions to salvation:
- Repentance: Turn from sin.
- Confess and Believe: Confess your sins to God and believe that Jesus died for us and was raised on the third day.
- Faith: Receive through faith that Jesus is your Savior and Lord
- Take Action: Prove your faith. Publicly confess Jesus as your Lord [through baptism, witness to others, etc.]
The Results of receiving Christ:
- He comes and lives inside of us.
- The moment we receive Him we receive eternal life.
- He empowers us through Him to do all things that are God's will for us, including growing in holiness and righteousness
- We have control over sin.. It has no control over us. We are set free from the bondage of sin.