How Demons Enter a Person

by Mihran Kulhanjian



Dear Friends,

As Christians, our number one focus is on God and the Lord Jesus Christ and doing His will on this earth.  Let us not forget by His blood we are redeemed when we put our faith in Him, whereby receiving the Holy Spirit to live in us. Our spirit is perfected by Jesus, but our soul and body will not be perfect until death and we receive our resurrected body. As we mature as Christians and renew our minds we ought to grow in sanctification, becoming more and more godly. But we will not be complete in our sanctification until we leave this world.  Therefore, we must be mindful of the works of the devil and his demons.

The following information listed in this article should be taken seriously.  This is no joke.  There are demonic forces, powers and principalities that will take you captive.  It is a lack of knowledge that harms, torments and kills people. An ignorant Christian is not excluded from being tormented by demons.


Anti-God Activities Where Demons are Given an Open Door to Enter


Idolatry is the practice of worshiping other [false] gods, not the one and only true God of the Holy Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Idolatry is making anything, any object, person, spirit, or idea more important than God.  If money is more important to you than God and God is second in your life, you have made money your God.  Demons enter idolaters.


Partaking in False Religions is Demonic: Leviticus 17:7

  • Islam
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Taoism
  • Shintoism
  • Confucius
  • Mormonism
  • Jehovah Witness
  • Seventh Day Adventist
  • Christian Science
  • Unitarianism
  • Unity [cult]
  • Scientology
  • Hare Krishna and other sects


  • Mormonism
  • Jehovah Witness
  • Christian Science
  • Unitarianism
  • Unity [cult]
  • Scientology
  • Hare Krishna and other sects
  • Other cults

Unholy Activities

  • Yoga  (gods of eastern religions, false gods)
  • acupuncture  (idolatry--worship of false gods)
  • tattoos and piercings (also evident of demons--mutilation of the fresh is not normal)
  • Witchcraft in any form
  • Palmistry
  • Handwriting analysis
  • Hypnotism
  • Levitation
  • Tarot Cards
  • Dream catchers
  • Black magic and White magic
  • Conjuring
  • Charms, fetishes
  • Spiritism, Spirit guides
  • Ouija Boards
  • Incantation
  • Astrology
  • Fortunetelling
  • Mediums
  • Satanism
  • LGBTQ,  Homosexuality, transgenderism, other and all sexual perversions
  • Sensual and sexualized massage and activity books and other media
  • Zombie books and so on [books on horror and ungodly things]
  • any books on the occult
  • Freemasons and books about Masonic rituals or books about memberships in fraternal organizations
  • Books on martial arts [Karate, Kung fu, etc.] Do not practice any martial arts that promotes spiritual elements and mysticism. It is demonic.
  • Video games [almost all: violence, sexually explicit, fantasy, etc.]
  • Any book that promotes violence and harm to people
  • And do not watch horror movies or movies promoting or glorifying violence, sex or any sinful things.  These things will harm you and they are not helpful if you want to fight off demons.


The aforementioned are all demonic and you should stay clear from all evil and run from the appearance of all evil. Exposing yourself could, and often does, open the door to demonic influence [demonized] to believers and even demonic possession [control] to nonbelievers.  Idolatry is a big problem in the world and even among church goers.  A Christian goes to the Lord Jesus Christ for everything in prayer.  It is an offense to God to deal in unholy activity, yet calling yourself a Christian.  Do not be double-minded.   Do not expose yourself to these wicked and ungodly things; and do not expose others to them. The consequences are great. Demons manifest through these unholy religions, acts and practices.  Refer to Deuteronomy 18:9-13.


Unclean Sexual activity Including Pornography

Unclean sexual activity means sinful sex outside of God's purpose for sex.  This means per-marital sex, fornication, sexual perversions (homosexuality), adultery, pornography and masturbation are unclean sexual activities. Any time we have committed a sin, either one time or one thousand times, we have opened the door for demons to enter. When these sexual activities fall into addiction, then 100 percent of the time a prevailing demon(s) is apparent. An addiction means the person is not in control; but the demon has now taken control.



Abortion is murder. It is murder of the innocent.  A demon of murder has entered every woman who has had an abortion. In God's Word, every woman who has had an abortion has committed murder.  No exceptions.


Entertainment (wicked movies, music)

Demons can enter a person through pornographic movies, unholy music, and horror movies and violent movies. 


Trauma, Abuse (rape), Bitterness, a Jezebel Spirit, and a Hatred of Men

Any trauma or fear could open a door for a demon of fear.  This is abnormal fear.  God has not given us a spirit of fear.  An uncommon, unnatural fear comes from the devil. We see this in paranoia, schizophrenia or hypochondria.  This is also an illogical fear such as a fear of flying in an airplane or driving a car. Trauma from rape and abuse, which is not caused by the victim could also open a door to demons. Remember, the devil does not play fair. He is evil [with a demon], and when a person is raped [it is a violent assault], fear, hatred, bitterness, shame, guilt, murder, unworthiness, and many other emotions can be attached to the victim.


Many, if not all, lesbians have a degree of hatred of men, whether outwardly expressed or privately suppressed; this is a demon.  God does not make a women lesbian nor does He make men to lust after other men. This is a perversion--the work of a demon.  It is against God's will that anybody is a homosexual.  Homosexuals are people with demons and we should pray for them, that they receive the revelation of the Lord and want to turn from this evil. We should pray that God sends a witness to these tormented people that they might turn from their evil acts. If they do not want to turn from this evil, yet embracing it, as many do in this wicked society, they will then receive the due penalty, which is God's wrath on unrighteousness. If they want to behave as the devil, they will receive the punishment of the devil. God is very clear about this. We see this covered in Romans 1:18-28, and also further in the chapter.  These are sexual perversion demons. Sodom and Gomorrah was filled with these demon filled perverts.  God's wrath came down on these cities, destroying every human being except Lot and his two daughters, who fled the city because the angels told them to leave if they want to live.  The  Bible says in the last days this sinful perversion will accelerate. We see this in the world today with pride parades in cities small and large across the globe, and the way liberal governments have embraced this sin--this outrageous sin against God.  God uses the word "abomination" with homosexuality, meaning it is a more serious sin than others.  The word "detestable" is also noted.


Demon controlled homosexuals have high-jacked the rainbow and have it as their symbol of perversion.  Satan is not original--he copies God.  He is a joke. God's rainbow has seven colors, a full spectrum of color. The LGBTQ rainbow has six colors. The number six is an incomplete number in the Bible. It is also the number for man and the world, which is sinful, void of God. The number seven is a complete, righteous number of perfection.  Homosexuality is insanity. When a man thinks he is a woman and a woman thinks she is a man--this is a problem with the mind. This is from a debased mind, a mind that is insane, because it is a completely unnatural act which the possessed have turned into a lifestyle.  The absurdity of this can only be seen as satanic.  The demon has taken control and the person is letting him. Remember, a demon is an evil, disembodied spirit craving to be in a body.  The individual is a slave to his homosexual behavior and has voluntarily accepted it, knowing that it is evil, unnatural and against God's will. The homosexual tries and in many, achieve suppressing the truth, searing the conscience mind.  And if the homosexual does not repent, he becomes hardened, depraved, a reprobate; and cares not for God and what is natural behavior; but he lives for himself and his lust of the flesh.  Many have created an imaginary god(s) to suit themselves--a god who loves them no matter what they do. A study reported that the average homosexual has had over five hundred sex partners.  This is disgusting. This is not normal in any way.  Only a demon possessed person with a completely debased mind, with a seared conscience could behave this way.  


Demons have entered homosexuals most likely as young children.  Other times demons enter when the individual falls into temptation repeatedly with impure thoughts that leads to sexual fantasy then manifests to sexual reality. 

Most demons enter through sin, except one, trauma. A demon will try to enter when one is in a weakened state emotionally.