
Mihran Kulhanjian is President and founder of Christian Revival Mission, Inc. For over 20 years I was involved in investments, writing, and operating an online and brick and mortar bookstore. I’ve written many books (nonfiction and fiction), over a hundred short stories and over two hundred articles. For the past 15 years much of my time has been devoted as a caregiver for my brother and now my mother.
I am a Bible believing disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, I devote nearly all my time to studying the Bible, to evangelize and disciple, to be a witness and to operate Christian Revival Mission, online and off. I also fill my days with writing Christian related books, articles and essays for the Mission and our new magazine, The Christian Mission Quarterly.
My ministry is focused on teaching the Word of God and discipleship; and to reveal the Truth [the true Jesus of the Bible] to the deceived and lukewarm believer. The Lord has also opened my heart for a special ministry dedicated to supporting orphans and widows in Armenia and the Near East.
The best part of my day is waking up early in the morning and opening my Bible and other Spirit filled books and spending time with God. I also write daily as the Spirit directs me. The second best part of my day is witnessing and to make disciples (minister, instruct and train) people I meet throughout the day. Jesus said "love one another." We love by telling people the truth about God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The important thing is not to be loved but to have somebody to love. This world is filled with the unloved. Let us love one another. God's love shows thru us; by our kindness, our gentleness, our faithfulness, our joy, our giving, by preaching the Word, the truth of Jesus Christ and the gospel message, and above all our love for God and our Lord Jesus Christ. And let us serve all who are in need with comfort and truth in the Lord Jesus Christ, submitting and surrendering all to Him. And let us humble ourselves to be teachable to the Word in love and obedience.
John K. Kulhanjian (1964-2022) was a co-founder of Christian Revival Mission. His focus was on evangelism and fulfilling The Great Commission (Mark 16:15). He believed that there is no higher calling than to preach the Gospel and to guide the lost so they might know God.
For over 30 years John had been a businessman and owner of various businesses from investment banking and brokerage to real estate brokerage and investments. In 2009 He was involved in a horse riding accident that resulted in a spinal cord injury and paraplegia. The accident brought Him to reexamine his life. He was a born again, Bible believing, Bible obeying follower of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
My dear brother John is now with the Lord. He went to be with the Lord on July 26, 2022. He was my hero, my best friend and my brother in Christ. He "walked with God." His heart was filled with God and he loved people and witnessing to them. He inspired me to pursue God deeper and encouraged me to go out into the world and witness daily. A day rarely went by without us speaking together and discussing God's Word. As his caregiver for almost thirteen years, our relationship (especially in the last few years of his life) was centered in God and our Lord Jesus Christ. John loved the Word of God and his heart was filled with love.
"And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him." (1 John 4:16)
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." (Psalm 116:15)