Blessed are The Meek [Matthew 5:5]

July 10, 2024
Vol. VII
Published by Christian Revival Mission, Inc.
Copyright ©* 2024 by Mihran Kulhanjian
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Blessed are The Meek
[Matthew 5:5]
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Occasion: Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount." Presumed to be on the northwest hills of the town of Capernaum overlooking the Sea of Galilee.
Lesson: This is the third Beatitude. The Beatitudes are the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount which is covered in Matthew Chapters 5 through 7. There are nine blessings starting from Matthew 5:3-11. The word Beatitude means "blessings" or "blessedness."
The word blessed means to be happy and joyful. The word meek to many means gentle. Many believe meek also means weak. But these two definitions (gentle and weak) are not the correct definition of this blessing. Jesus' character was not one of gentleness all the time and He was definitely not weak in spirit or mental capacity; and there is no indication that He was weak in physical stamina or strength. This definition is contrary to both Jesus' meekness as many have misinterpreted this word. He walked hundreds of miles preaching and teaching, enduring harsh criticism and death. This is not the work of a meek [weak] man. And it does not mean we must be weak and gentle; for we are to follow in His footsteps. Are we not to be imitators of Christ? If so, then let's see what the true meaning of this Scripture says.
Seven other times the word meek is used in Scripture: four times in the Old Testament (Isaiah 11:4; Zephaniah 2:3; Zephaniah 3:12; and Psalm 37:11). And two other times in the New Testament: Matthew 11:29: Jesus said:
"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle [humble and teachable], and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your soul."
I have inserted in brackets the words humble and teachable because the word "gentle" referred Jesus as humble and teachable. By His example He is telling us what we must be and do; "Learn from Me." What does it mean to be "lowly" in heart.? Jesus is saying "I am here. I am approachable. I am your friend and there is nothing to fear. I will not forsake you. I will not turn you away. Receive me. My commands are not burdensome. I will give you peace and your soul rest." Our spirit (the believers spirit) is already at rest but our soul and body are troubled.
The prophet Zephaniah said "Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden In the day of the Lord’s anger" (Zephaniah 2:3). He further said in Chapter 3, verse 12: "I will leave in your midst A meek and humble people, And they shall trust in the name of the Lord." God opposes the proud and arrogant but gives grace to the humble, to the meek, to the lowly in heart (James 4:6). God gives us many chances to humble ourselves to Him. Do we choose Him or do we choose the world?
In Psalm 37:11 we first find the words "the meek shall inherit the earth":
"But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace."
Jesus draws from David's Psalm 37 as He paraphrases the Scripture. Jesus promises a reward for the humble, those placing hope in Him.
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." We know what blessed means (happy and joyful). We know that meek does not mean gentle or weak., but it means to humble oneself to be teachable, to submit humbly to the Lord and to receive the teachings of the Lord.
In James 1:21 we are encouraged to repent of our sins and receive with meekness (humility and a teachable attitude) the implanted word.
"Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls"
We become teachable when we hear the Word from the Lord and then we become doers of the Word. We do not hear and do nothing. James, furthermore instructs us to be doers of the word (James 1:22). We take action as Jesus did. And as Jesus commands each of us "Go make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19-20).
Now let's move on to the rest of the Scripture and then we will put it altogether. What does it mean they shall inherit the earth. They means the humble who are teachable, that is, they have humbled themselves to be teachable (note: not everybody will humble themselves to be teachable--in fact, very few will). Jesus is not talking to the multitudes, to His disciples. This also means that not every believer will humble himself to a point of being teachable. Few Christians are true disciples of Jesus.
The word inherit means we receive--we receive a gift. The word inherit is usually used in the inheritance; we receive a gift from a loved one, typically from one who has departed from this world. The loved one who has departed is the Lord himself--He sent us the Holy Spirit. The Lord is giving us a gift; He is giving us the earth. But what is the earth that He is giving us? The New Testament, for the most part, and this particular Scripture was first written in Greek. The word earth in Greek is "ge." The word "ge" means "land." The teachable, who remain teachable, receive the land. This has to do with prospering. As we abide in the Word of God, humbling ourselves to be teachable, we will prosper in all things, spiritually, physically and riches in all things. The land the meek receive is the new earth; not the present earth.
If you remain humble and teachable (receiving the Word of God) throughout your life you will inherit the future earth and it's riches. The meek will inherit the land and its riches but not the land in this world, it is the land and riches of the new earth to come. This is a promise of the Lord. Happy are the teachable, for the teachable will receive prosperity of the land. Christians must not forget that as believers our home is not here but it is where Jesus is. We do not belong to this world. Our home is in heaven, and in the presents of Jesus.
Memory Verse: Matthew 5:5
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
□ Check box when verse is memorized
Practical Steps:
How do the meek inherit the earth? We humble ourselves to be teachable. How do we become teachable? We receive the Word of God in faith and renew our minds daily with the Word. By reading and studying our Bible daily, filling our mind with God will show remarkable results.
Humility is a choice. We recognize the true God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and we yield in submission to Him. We surrender to Him. We give up "self" and rely on His Word, to mold us into His character as His ambassador in this world.
Remember, we must be doers not only hearers of the Word. We get active in prayer, fasting, Scripture memorization, witnessing and evangelism. We volunteer for church services and we rely of the Spirit to guide us in holiness. We abide in Christ and mature in Sanctification and godliness.
- The Sermon on the Mount was near the town of ___________________________________
- What is the true meaning of the word blessed? _______________________________________
- What is the meaning of the word meek ? __________________________________________
- What shall the meek inherit? ___________________________________________________
- James 1:21 says: "Therefore lay aside all ____________________ and overflow of _________
___________________, and receive with, _____________________ the implanted word, which
is able to __________________ your souls."
- What does the word earth mean in Greek? _________________________________________
- What will the teachable inherit (receive) from the Lord? _______________________________
Answers for Blessed are The Meek
- Capernaum.
- Happy, joyful.
- To humble oneself to be teachable.
- The earth.
- Filthiness, wickedness, meekness, save.
- Land.
- Prosperity.
How do the meek inherit the earth? We humble ourselves to be teachable and to remain teachable as long as we are in this world. We ask God for knowledge, wisdom and understanding. In humility we become teachable. And by learning the mind of God and aligning ourselves with Him, persevering to the end of our life in this world, we receive the promised rewards in the new land.
Do you need to humble yourself to the Lord? Explain.
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