Remove Unholy, Demonic Objects from Your Home and Person
by Mihran Kulhanjian
My dear Friend,
It is time to remove any and all demonic, anti-God objects from your home and off your person.
God said do not bring a accursed thing into your house:
Deuteronomy 7:25:
You shall burn the carved images of their gods with fire; you shall not covet the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 7:26:
Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.
Here is a list of demonic, anti-God objects to remove from your home:
- Pornographic material: movies, books, magazines, etc.
- Dream catchers (witchcraft)
- Wooden or carved statues, paintings and other 'so-called' artwork of false gods: Buddha, Hindu gods, dragons. Chinese money cats. Other Oriental and Islamic art and symbols. It is not artwork. It is an abomination to God and it is contemptuous. Not only are these ideas in the Christian home idolatrous but also it is adultery. Are you not the bride of Christ? Does the bride of Christ share herself with unholy objects. Light cannot walk with darkness, nor holiness with evil.
- Altars for dead relatives and false gods. Altars to dead saints.
- All occult items: Ouija Boards, Tarot cards, Astrology material, Crystals and all objects that turn from God and rely of magic and strange and familiar spirits.
- All books dealing with these things, including spirit books and all books dealing with witchcraft, black and white magic. Do not exclude books on acupuncture and Yoga, sexual or sensual massage. All these items should be destroyed and trashed. These things are not of the Lord, but derived from false gods and evil spirits.
- Masonic materials and symbols
- Clothing with unholy objects or words. This includes immodest bathing suits and other immodest clothing.
All books and periodicals dealing with false religion and the occult, including dream interpretation, horoscopes, horseshoes for luck, blue stone to ward off the evil eye, wall art or figures with dragons, owls, frogs, and snakes, gnomes, trolls, zombie and horror dolls. Pray that the Holy Spirit reveals evil, unholy and dark objects to you in your home, garage or storage that need to be destroyed and tossed in the garbage. If it is not of God, it is of the devil and evil and should be destroyed, burned and tossed in the garbage.
We cannot be double-minded, professing God yet possessing evil objects, which are anti-God, against the word of God in your home.
Remove tattoos from your body if you are able to do so. Do not wear jewelry that represents luck or good fortune. Be very careful what you put on yourself. Jewelry can be demonic.
Regardless of value, destroy all these things. Which is more important, God or all your stupid idolatrous objects? It is time to get serious.