The Holy Bible

by Mihran Kulhanjian
The Bible is not religion; it is the Word of God, inerrant, infallible, sufficient, complete and authentic. It is all truth and there is no contradiction in it. It is the greatest bestseller of all time. The Creator of all is the author; and to have the opportunity to study the Bible is not only a great gift from God, but is also a humbling, inspirational, encouraging and hopeful experience, that will change your life word after word. It is a privilege to study God’s Word and we should remain so ever grateful for it, for we have a gracious God who loves us and wants the best for us. The Bible is knowledge and it is God’s will that the children, sons and daughters of God, immerse themselves in the Word daily never ceasing.
In the western world, we are privileged to have access to Bibles and other books that expose us to God’s truth through godly men. The Bible is the “How To” manual for living a life instructed by God. Yes, God is your instructor.
The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God; it is the story of God in God’s own words. It was put down on vellum or parchment by holy men of God through the Spirit of God [2 Peter 1:21]. The word inspired means “breathed on.” God communicates His Word through men.
The Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years. The Old Testament with 39 books and the New Testament of 27 books was written by about 40 different people. The first five books of the Bible were written by Moses and the last book, Revelation, by the Apostle John, 65 years after the crucifixion of Jesus.
The contents of the Bible can be relied upon as absolute truth; it is God’s revealed Word. As explained in 2 Timothy 3:16: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” Over thousands of years holy men of God have translated the Old and New Testaments and no contradictions are found in it. Not only is the Bible clear history of mankind, it is clear revelation of Jesus Christ, His coming, His life, and His return. God gave us the Bible [His Word], so that we would know Him, the law and His plan for us. God gave us the Bible because He loves us and wants us to have fellowship with Him. The entirety of the Bible is the story of Jesus Christ in the Old and New Testament. It all leads to the salvation message. Jesus came to save sinners. He did not come for the word, He came for what the world has. It has you and me and all who believe in the only Son of God, the children of God, who call God their Father.
The Bible reveals the promises of God to us encompassing many good things which God has provided for us. These things include understanding, light [holiness, truth], spiritual food and cleansing, physical health, prosperity in all things for those who are His, and salvation from the eternal death. Do you think, that God. being rich in mercy and love would hold back anything for His children? No. God wants those who are His to prosper with all His blessings.
The Bible also warns us about God’s “Adversary,” Satan. Satan is also called the devil; the “Slanderer,” the deceiver of the whole world [Revelation 12:9]. Satan is a liar and the father of all liars and was a murderer from the beginning [John 8:44]. Lucifer was an angel. He was the first to sin. He wanted to be like God. He wanted worship like God. Lucifer was full of pride and envy. Lucifer in now called Satan, the devil. In the Bible, God tells us how to flee from and resist the devil using God’s Word with the strength of God in us [James 4:7]. We rebuke Satan with the written word of God. We know, from the Bible, the outcome and what happens to Satan and all who follow him. Jesus comes back with His army of saints and destroys Satan and they are cast into the lake of fire [Revelation 20:10].
When we read the Bible we must look for Christ in every passage. Christ is revealed in the New Testament, but He is also in the Old Testament, concealed, yet living and active in the works of His people.
God created the Bible so that we might know Him and choose Him and thus, choose life. God wants our love. He has loved us from the very beginning. We were created by God for Him. God has a claim on us. We belong to Him. And all the children of God, believers in His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, belongs to them as Father.