Love God, Love Israel, Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem and Be Blessed

Love God, Love Israel, Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem and Be Blessed
November 30, 2023
Dearly beloved in Christ,
Why do so many hate Israel? Why do so many hate God? Why do so many despise the name of Jesus? There is one answer to these questions and the answer is twofold: First, the pride of Satan is in sinful man; and second, the revelation of God and His knowledge [the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ] is ignored and unwanted. Why do so few seek the God of all creation, the God of truth and love? The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is my God--the only true God. He is the God of all creation; the God of peace and love and wrath upon the wicked. To Christians, He is known as Father; and all believers, born again with the Spirit of God are His children, not by blood, but adoption. The "born again" are the "called." He chose you. How wonderful is it to be called and chosen by God, carrying His name as Christian and following the path He has chosen for you.
When Jesus was tempted three times in the wilderness by Satan, Jesus used the Word of God to squash Satan. "It is written: Thou shall worship the Lord your God and Him only" (Matthew 4:10). Jesus spoke from the Old Testament [Deuteronomy 6:13]. Satan distorts the Word of God. Satan fools and tricks people to believe in false gods.
If you hate Israel, you hate God. Why do you hate God? What did He do to you? He gave you life and He gives it more abundantly to those who obey Him. And He gave us the Holy Bible, the instruction manual for a blessed life. What more do you want? Do you blame God because you haven't turned to the Word of God? Two thousand years ago He sent His Son [Jesus], the only sinless person who came as a life giving spirit to save sinners. Every person of the human race is a sinner. All have transgressed God's law [Romans 3:23]. We are all guilty, every one of us. "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). We all deserve death in hell. But God, by His great love for us, gave us His Son. He did not have to do this. Jesus became the propitiation for our sin. Jesus accepted freely the punishment that was rightfully ours. He died for us, as our substitute, so that we might live eternally in Heaven with Him, glorified with Him, receiving the full inheritance that God gave Jesus, His beloved Son so that we would be reconciled back to God and live eternally with Him. Heaven is ours if we choose to have it. God gave us free will to choose Him or to choose the world and Satan. Why would anyone not choose God and glorification is a mystery to me. So many are under Satan's spell and blinded to the truth. Through their prideful hearts, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life have consumed them from ever seeing God and realizing His love for them.
What is the great exchange? Jesus was put to death so we might live. He became sin for us on the cross. If we do not accept Jesus we accept Satan and evil and pain and suffering eternally. Do you understand what this means? We accept hell, separated from God's glory. Don't be deceived. Do you not know there is but Heaven and hell, no other. Many are deceived by the devil; but I tell you, do not be deceived. Jesus is the only way to Heaven and to Father God. Only one road leads to Heaven; and the road is taken through Jesus. By God's grace we are saved through our faith in Jesus. By His blood, the Lamb of God, His work on the cross have we the assurance of salvation. We will live forever in Heaven or forever in hell. Forever is a longtime. Isn't it time you feared God and got serious. His loving arms are waiting for you. He wants to embrace you. Will you reach out your arms to Him? Will you accept all of Him? He accepted you as a sinner when He went to cross. Realize that Jesus [God incarnate] died for you because He loved you even while you are in your sin.
Yes, Jesus came to save sinners. Receive Jesus. Love Him. Trust Him as your Lord and Savior. Repent of your sins. Seek, surrender and receive Him. Don't wait. Fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, it is the beginning of wisdom and the beginning of knowledge. To fear the Lord is to love the Lord. Fear means get serious about God. Christians, do not be lukewarm. Jesus hates the lukewarm believer. He wants you hot. He wants you on fire for the Truth. Jesus is the Truth, our Advocate in Heaven prays the Father for us. He is on our side. He is our friend, our God, our Lord and Savior; and He is our brother, the first born of many.
Jesus is the way (to Father God), the truth (the only truth representing God), and the life (all life was created by and through Him): No one comes to the Father but through Jesus [John 14:6]. Jesus is our advocate. Time is of the essence. I plead with you. Our spirit does not die. After this life, we continue either in Heaven or hell. God created us to live forever. We will live either in Heaven or we will live in hell. There are no other options.
A Love for Israel
If you know God, you have a real love for Israel. If you profess to be a Christian and do not have a love for Israel, then you do not know God as well as you ought to. We should all have a great love for Israel if we call ourselves Christian.
God Blesses Those Who Bless Israel
Genesis 12:1-3
From your family
And from your father’s house,
To a land that I will show you.
2 I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
During this time, Noah was still alive. He was about 927 years old. He died at 950. Shem (Noah's son) was 525. Read. closely what God is saying to Abram: "I will make you a great nation; I will bless you, And make your name great." It is God's blessing that makes us great. We are great in His sight. We are blessed my God, then we become a blessing to others. God will bless those you bless you. "You" means the great nation of Israel. God will also curse all who curse Israel. This is plain language. Do the nations of this world do not see the truth here? Satanic blindness and hatred of Jews has put many in the hands of Satan and hell.
In Galatians 3:8:
And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.”
The fulfillment of the last line of Genesis 12:3 comes to pass in Galatians 3:8-1, 500 years later.
What did God say to Amos:
And no longer shall they be pulled up
From the land I have given them,”
Says the Lord your God (Amos 9:15).
This prophesy from the prophet Amos begins in 1948. The return of their land then will not be lost again, no matter how many of their enemies come after them.
I'm sure many Israelite's thought this prophecy was fulfilled with Darius's proclamation for the Israelite's to return and rebuild Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1, 1:7-8), but the Israelite's were dispersed again. I believe this prophecy finds its fulfillment in our day when the Israelite's returned into their land in 1948. They will not be removed from it again, regardless of how many people and nations come against them.
The Lord said to Zechariah regarding His zeal for Israel:
With great fervor [wrath] I am zealous for her’ [against her enemies] (Zechariah 8:2).
God will take up His wrath to the enemies of the Jews. The Jews are His passion, His chosen, and He will defend them. God is faithful to His word.
We see in Psalm 125:3 the land of Israel is not to be and will not be under or subjugated to foreign dominion. The "scepter of wickedness" I believe, is Islam and Islamic terrorists. The "land of the righteous" is Israel.
For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest On the land allotted to the righteous, Lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity.
What must we do to receive the blessings of God? Love Him. Love means obey your Father in Heaven. We obey when we seek His mind, confessing with our mouth agreeing with Him. When we seek His mind we know the truth in loving Israel and loving His commandments. Let's pray for the peace of Jerusalem and be blessed.
Faithfully yours in Christ Jesus,
Mihran Kulhanjian
Christian Revival Mission, Inc.