The Name of Christ

Part I
by Mihran Kulhanjian
My dear Friends,
The name Christ means "the Messiah" the "Deliverer." He is the one who saves His people. When you are called a “Christian” you have taken on the name of Christ. This means you have accepted His character, His attributes, His righteousness and holiness, His perfection. You are becoming Christ-like in attitude, behavior, and character. Your conduct is now the conduct of a righteous person. As a believer, receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, your "old man," the sinful-self has been crucified on the cross with Jesus. Jesus took the punishment and paid for your sins. He bought your death with His life so that you could live and have communion with God in eternity. Your life eternal begins the moment you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Is there a change in you? Do you see the world differently? Do friends and family see you differently? They should; because you are a new creation in Christ. You are not the same old sinner. Have you repented of sin and yielded to Christ? Have you now put Him in charge of your life?
When you identify yourself as a Christian, you tell the world that you are not of this world, that you are a child of God, or son or daughter of God, adopted into His family, chosen by Him. You are a member of one body, the church, comprising of all true Christians who believe, follow and obey the commands of Christ. The church comprises of all true believers everywhere. Christ is the head of the church and we [all believers] are the body, the branches. “The Church” does not mean simply a building where people gather in worship. A Christian can worship God anywhere, not only in a church, but at home, at the office or under a tree at the park. God is omnipresent; He hears, sees and witnesses everything everywhere. God is sovereign, omnipresent and omnipotent. He does what He wants, when He wants and where He wants. His thoughts are not our thoughts. He is far above anything we can image when it comes to intelligence. God is supernatural. God is spirit.
What does the name Jesus mean? Jesus means "Savior." The name Jesus was given before the conception of the child by the angel Gabriel. "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” [Matthew 1:21].
He shall be called Emmanuel, which means "God with us" [Matthew 1:23]. A Christian is a new creation of the Emmanuel race: the God in us race.
Part II
The Names of Jesus
Coming Soon