Gambling and Poker
Is Gambling and Poker a Sin and is it Okay for a Christian to Gamble or Play Poker?
by Mihran Kulhanjian
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.—1 Timothy 6:10
Dear Friends,
I have not heard many pastors talk much about gambling or poker. Also, Jesus Christ never mentioned or talked about gambling. As some think it is okay to play and even gamble a little with this or that. When I talk about gambling I’m referring to playing for money. Many people see no harm in it if done moderately and for light entertainment. However, “light entertainment” is hardly a suitable expression to any form of gambling, be it sports betting, slot machines, craps or poker. Many people might feel gambling does not hurt anybody. They are wrong. It hurts millions every year. Because of their own ignorance, most people, including professing Christians think there is nothing wrong with a little game of chance or playing the lotto. To be clear, gambling is covetousness [the Tenth Commandment] and for the addictive gambler it becomes idolatry, which is the breaking of the First Commandment of God [You will have no other gods before me]. To many, gambling becomes one's god. To the addict, gambling is the most important thing. The compulsive gambler has made gambling his god; a god that destroys him eventually, spiritually, financially and physically. Unlike most Christians, I have a long history of gambling and poker playing which starting when I was young. I have a multi-decade experience with gambling and gamblers, professionals and recreational, which I believe qualifies me to explain the evils of all forms of gambling.

Before I was born again, I was a gambler. I was not an infrequent gambler nor was I a novice. In fact, I was a steady poker player for over thirty years. The gamblers I played with over the years, I could not call them true friends, even the young men I played with in college were not really friends. Most, I believed, were unreliable. I also played most casino games: craps, blackjack and so on. I bet on the horses and even had a interest in the ownership of six thoroughbred race horses (which is another form of gambling). I started gambling at seventeen and did not stop until I was in my mid-fifties.
I wrote ten gambling books on craps, blackjack and other games. I also wrote four books on poker. I wrote the books under a different name. I started gambling regularly in college. I studied gambling. I had dozens of gambling and poker books. I always viewed myself as a business person and my activity in the casinos, cardrooms and home games were conducted, for the most part, as a serious endeavor.
I had little concern for the people I played with. I had no friends at the casinos and cardrooms, just friendly acquaintances. Don’t get me wrong, I was usually polite and quiet; but my motive, yes that thing that gets you going in the morning, was strictly hard-boiled. I sat down at a poker table to crush players—to take all of their chips and cash they had on them. I played for the money. It was all about the money. I never played for entertainment purposes. To me, gambling games were always boring, but it seemed to be the right thing to do at a particular time. Poker was boring most of the time. I approached poker and other gambling games as a job that took time and energy. But, unlike most jobs, it had some terrible drawbacks. It is nice when you have a big score and stupid when you lose. There was little enjoyment of playing. Money was my motive. If a game was worth playing, it was worth playing for money. I played hard and had no real concern for the people who left the table broke. If I busted another player at poker, it did not bother me. My plan was to pinpoint the very weakest of players and put the pressure on them (at the poker table); they were the first target because they were the worst players, easier to read and manipulate. But in the low stakes games all players were very bad.
I was like a con-man stalking his mark. I wasn’t there to mess around or play for fun. Sometimes players were drunk, and I made sure to focus my attention on them, especially when they had large stacks of chips and cash. I was manipulative and devious and if players seated next to me did not protect their cards and I saw what they were holding, I made sure to punish them to get as much money from them as possible. Doesn’t sound like a humble Christian, does it? At times, I would put in more than forty hours a week playing poker, mostly in the evenings in the casinos of southern California and Las Vegas; however, when the opportunity arose I played all over the U.S., through the southern states to the east coast, and on gambling boats.
Even from the very beginning I felt a degree of uneasiness about gambling and playing poker, but I continued to play. The uneasiness never went away, it was there, I believe, from the very beginning. I knew gambling was wrong and I never felt completely comfortable with it, but I played anyway.
Sometimes I would take breaks and not play for many months or over a year or two. But I was always drawn back to it because the money to be made was certain. I wasn’t completely comfortable of what I was doing. I wasn’t comfortable playing poker and gambling and spending time in casinos or in private homes gambling. Down deep there was always an unsettled feeling about playing poker and gambling in general. It was seedy. But I played anyway. I knew how to gamble and playing poker was a gross way to make a living. Even playing part-time—taking money from people was pure covetousness, motivated by greed. My desire was to make money and the only way to do it was to take it from others—as much as I could get. I did not know their motives for playing. Some, perhaps many were compulsive and lost. Every cardroom and casino is filled with degenerate gamblers and it is very sad and evil that society uses people this way.
I know what gambling does to people. I have seen what happens to compulsive gamblers and others who cannot control themselves. By watching and experiencing the behaviors of losing gamblers I realized that nearly all compulsive gamblers do not really care about anyone or anything; they become completely self-absorbed and want cash in their pockets to place bets. Demons find homes in gamblers. Compulsive gamblers become expert liars and thieves. Many become low caliber con-men, concocting strange stories, trying to rope in anyone who can give them money to gamble with. Many have other vices: alcohol and illicit drugs and this kind of activity leads to many serious crimes. And many end up in prison for theft, embezzlement or a number of other crimes that evolve from a gambling addiction.
Gambling casinos spur all types of evils: from organized crime, financial fraud schemes, alcohol abuse, prostitution, loan sharking and almost any other debauchery you could think of. All casinos and gambling should be outlawed. They serve no purpose in a God fearing society. They are against God, and they are a product of the devil. Sadly, godless government wants money and they get their money from the taxes from casinos. Do you really think you will see Jesus sitting in a poker game, or playing in a crap game, or making a sports bet? Then why should you? Follow the King of Kings, and set your mind on things above. A believer obeys the commands of God. If you love me, you will keep my commands, said Jesus.
Bible teacher, Derek Prince, said you will find the ugliest people at the gaming tables. It is true. He had a bout with gambling as a young man. When a true Christian sees a table full of gamblers there is something very ugly about them. You can see it in their souls, in their face, their body and the sin that radiates from them. You see the sadness, the despair and loneliness.

Today, I do not gamble. I do not play poker or any casino games. I gave it up for God, for Jesus, who is now my first true love. I spend time in His Word. No more time wasted at the tables. I have stopped the printing of all my gambling books. I have no interest to visit Las Vegas or to step foot in any casino unless I am handing-out Gospel tracts and proclaiming the Word.
Matthew 16:25-26
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
Does the Bible mention that gambling is sinful? It does not use the word gambling. But many Christians and people in the church believe it is. I know it is. It is covetousness, the Tenth Commandment [desiring something that is not yours]. In gambling, the gambler desires money, status or victory. Gamblers become superstitious. They carry items with them that they believe bring luck. They believe in special lucky numbers or lucky seats, drinks, lucky dealers or unlucky dealers. This is now idolatry and not only is it anti-God, it turns quickly into witchcraft. Witchcraft is exposed by three words all which are present in gambling in general, but to a personal note to, the poker player. The words are manipulation, intimidation and domination. When you play poker the idea is to manipulate your opponent to do what you want them to do. You manipulate your opponent to make mistakes. You also intimidate. And the result is to dominate your opponent--basically to control them. This is not God's way, but it is the way of the devil. God does not manipulate, intimidate or dominate anyone; but Satan does. When you have a mission to control others by fear, or trickery, or take advantage of any human being, you are doing the devils work for him. A good [winning] poker player controls the losers as the table. He manipulates them. Even the losers manipulate their opponents when they can. This is not godly behavior. The actions you take against another human being has consequences. Players and their family's are hurt. Jesus said "love your neighbor as yourself." This means do not harm anyone in anyway. Now I know what you are saying: "Hey, it's just a game." Get this straight: It is not a game when money is involved. It is serious and it is no joke. How many wasted hours have you spent gambling?
I have over thirty years behind me to back up the claim that gambling, gamblers and poker players are deceiving themselves if they believe that God endorses this type of activity. But many say gambling is not sinful per se because the word gambling is not mentioned in the Bible. But you must think about this: Gambling does not have any redeeming qualities. It is not helpful in anyway. However, gambling can very easily lead to sin and it always does. Sins of greed, lying, theft, envy, mean spirited, drunkenness, unjust anger, idolatry, covetousness, cussing and filthy language, pride, wishing others harm in losing money, foolishly losing money that could have gone to worthy causes [orphans, widows, the poor, etc.], or using illegal drugs surrounds all who place bets. Spending too much time gambling and neglecting your business, family and above all, neglecting God is sinful. Gambling does not glorify God in anyway. Losing large amounts of money earned from your primary work is sinful because it is wasteful. And if the losses affect your family and friends, or your mental or physical health it is sinful. It is known that about 2.6 percent of the population [perhaps greater today] is prone to exhibit compulsive gambling addiction behavior. About thirty years ago this number was about 1 percent. More people are gambling today and ungodliness is at an all time high--and getting higher.
We know that hard work and honest labor will make any man prosper and all his needs will be taken care of. But wealth gained dishonestly will diminish [Proverbs 13:11].
Gambling in many cities now is legal; however, if it is sin against God it is dishonest. God knows your heart, and He knows your motives. You cannot get away from God even when man says it is alright—if it is against God’s will it is not alright. Man is depraved, wicked, and evil. Man cannot save himself because sin has taken him over. Only the work of the gospel, the work of Jesus Christ can save; it is by His blood that we are saved and reconciled to the Father. And even with man-made laws on his side, he [the gambler and government] does not abide in God’s law. Let us not forget: “None are righteous, no not one” [Romans 3:10]. And all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” [Romans 3:23]. Let’s get it right: Gambling is a sin.
If you are gambling, I recommend that you stop now. Repent. Gamble no more. Don't waste another minute in a casino, cardroom or on the internet with gambling websites. Go to God. Pray fervently to God [God of the Bible, whose Son, Jesus is the mediator of all true Christians everywhere] for forgiveness, the remission of sin and for direction to healing the spiritual, physical and financial. Naturally, the best thing you can do is stop gambling. Just stop. Pray to God to purge you of all gambling addiction. Stay clear of any and all casinos, race tracks, etc. Take any and all drastic measures to stop all internet gambling. And pray to God to be born-again in the Spirit and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Embrace Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom you need to purge all sin [gambling impulses]. Ask God to reveal your sins to you and to give you the strength to persevere and defeat Satan and his demons. Ask God for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and guide you in your walk with God.
I am not going to tell you to go to Gamblers Anonymous. You go to God and you take it up with Him first. You repent from your sin and stop sinning. I had an employee who was a lawyer who had a gambling problem [one of many I have known with gambling addiction]. He embezzled client funds of tens of thousands of dollars, and I believe he went to prison and to Gamblers Anonymous for counseling. G.A. convinced him he had an illness and his gambling problem was not his fault. G.A. told him that his gambling addiction, was not his fault. But it was his fault, because he did not have to steal from many people to feed his gambling habit. When my brother and I met with him a few months after he got caught, we immediately realized he had no remorse of stealing thousands from others or the pain he caused his family and other families. We sat as his kitchen table with is wife and child in the living room. He did not apologize to me for the money he stole, nor did he offer restitution. He felt fine about himself because G.A. told him it was an illness he has and he is not to blame. Give me a break! It is sin, willful sin, a transgression of God's law and if you sin intentionally you are to blame. I have had six gamblers steal several thousands of dollars from me and not one of them offered restitution or an apology. From forging stolen checks, embezzlement and blatant fraud, the gamblers had no remorse. Sadly, I believe most if not all ended up in jail or prison. Families were destroyed and marriages ended in divorce in at least four of the six cases which I am aware of.
If you have a gambling problem, take it up with God first and keep praying and talking to God in prayer. Many gamblers are demonized. And the demon must be expelled from them. Read your Bible, study it. Keep in God’s Word daily. Obey God. Confess your sins and ask God for forgiveness. God's work is done. But you have to now receive it in faith. Pray for truth and that the Holy Spirit reveals all truth to you. You push Satan and his demons out of your life by filling your mind with God. Say: “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you gambling demon to come out the leave now and do not come back. This is not your home. This body belongs to Jesus Christ. I rebuke you Satan, stay out of my financial affairs.” You may have to repeat this many times and during times of temptation. Always, pray when you are tempted. Jesus will not leave you. He is always with you. Jesus is faithful.
If you want holiness, you must start behaving holy. If you want purity, begin behaving pure. God is waiting for you to call out for Him. He can delivery you out of this bondage. Gambling addiction is demonic and God can save you from this evil.
Gambling is a pure form of covetous behavior (The Tenth Commandment: You shall not covet [Exodus 20:17]), that is, desiring something [money in this case, or even power or control over another player] that is not yours, and it is taken by manipulation [1 Corinthians 6:10, a covetous person will not enter the kingdom of God]. It is sinful to take advantage of another human being. A poker player when drunk or not skilled at a game you are playing, or when a player is tired and not in control of his mental state leads to sin? A Christian does not take advantage of people. This can happen in a long poker session. Is it sinful to benefit from dumb or uneducated players when playing poker? God gave you a conscious to tell you which is right or wrong. Every situation is different. One argument is that nobody is forcing anyone to play, and I would assume everybody playing knows they are in a gambling game and can either win money or lose money. You do not know everybody’s situation.
It does not matter whether you are a winning player or a consistent loser, any time you are gambling, you are sinning. Stop gambling altogether. Stop wasting your money and your time. Stop cheating God and start living for Him. If you want God's blessings, obey Him. And don't bet on your luck. There is no such thing as luck. There is only God's blessings for the obedient and His curses for the disobedient.
The Bible says to “examine” yourself daily and if you find yourself leading into sin because of gambling, correct yourself—stop gambling. Cut it out of your life.
But, if you study gambling games, including poker, by reading books, getting qualified coaching my experts, who are proven winners, you have an excellent chance of developing into an intelligent and morally conscious and observant player. Who are you kidding? God knows all things. He knows your heart and He knows your motives. There is nothing you can say or do to make gambling [poker too] right in the eyes of God. Anything dealing with intentional harm [financial and physical] and to others is a sin. In Mark 9:42-43 Jesus said:
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched—“
Are you causing pain, financial hardship, feeding somebodies addiction? Could playing poker or other gambling games cause others to be tempted and falling into the temptation?
How are you glorifying God gambling and playing poker? Yes, gambling and poker are games where pride, power, greed and self, dominate. These games are not for a godly person. The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God, keep this in mind the next time you decide to walk into a casino or you decide to have a friendly game of poker at a friend’s house. Are you glorifying God by taking your friends money? Oh, you might say “it’s just small stakes fun.” But is it helpful? Is God pleased with it? All kinds of sins come from gambling. The amount of money involved has little to do with it. Sin is sin.
There are many arguments supporting gambling. Gambling is in nearly everything we do. Gambling proponents say when we open a business there is risk. We are gambling in some fashion. There is no assurance we will sell what we have inventoried. If we invest in the stock market or real estate market we could lose money suddenly when markets drop. If you are a landlord and the economy crumbles in your area, your tenants won’t likely be paying rent or if the government comes out with a law that says tenants do not have to pay rent for many months, then you have lost money. If we farm and the crop dies from lack of water or disease we have gambled a whole year of work and money away. Buying insurance on your house is gambling or is it just being cautious or prudent with an investment you happen to live in? We gamble in many ways. This is why we must pray and ask God to guide us to what is right and what is wrong regarding the type of business, farm, or home we buy or invest in. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to you as you mature as a Christian and grow in holiness.
Gambling does not have one redeeming quality that is supported by the Bible, God's Word. Gambling, and this goes for playing poker, is not an activity any Christian should support. We should “Abstain from all appearance of evil” [1 Thessalonians 5:22]. Many might say gambling or playing poker for money is not evil; but all sin or activity that always leads to sin is evil in the eyes of God. Flee from the temptation of sin. It is every Christian’s duty to grow, to be transformed in the character of Christ. Grow in the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness and self-control [Galatians 5:23-24]. I can’t imagine Jesus at the crap table shooting dice or in a cardroom playing poker. The picture does not fit in the frame does it? This also means, you should not invest in stocks of casinos or race tracks or stocks in companies that deal in vice or products that God would not approve of. A Christian cannot support any business, venture or person who feeds off the weakness of human addictions. We must love our neighbors and care for their well-being. God believes in the preservation of life. Gambling and casinos harm people. A true Christian cannot be a poker dealer or blackjack dealer. A true believer cannot work in a casino that supports the manipulation of human beings to sin. Casinos use people and ruin people for money. A God fearing believer does not take advantage of a person where they are most vulnerable. Supporting any institution that use and manipulate people to gamble is not in line with God’s will. We must stay true to God not the wickedness of mans greed and uncontrolled desires that draw us away from God and into the pit of hell.
Internet Gambling
Internet gambling is big business and has aided in the increase of gambling addiction. Without leaving your home you can play any number of casino games and even bet on horse races and make sports bets. Not only are internet casino’s popular they are even more popular with young adults, teenagers and are drawn to them because they can play free without betting real money. Yes, this entices the young to play until they are ready to play for real money. Many problem gamblers started young. And the ones with gambling addiction, one study found, that 69 percent started in adolescents, prior to age 12. In fact, 1 in 25 teens have a problem with gambling. Sad isn’t it. Did you start playing free games?
Gambling does not end with casinos. Many have fallen into the stock market, options and commodities trading or gambling. Investing in the markets is different than gambling in the markets. I have known many who have had a gambling attitude in the market, especially with options and have lost quite a bit. The stock market is not for gambling but investing—doing your research and doing it well. Gamblers do not make money in the stock market. Investors and smart traders who spend countless hours in research and study do.
Statistics on Gambling
Gambling among college students has reached all-time highs with a recent study reported that “1 in 20 college students meet the criteria of compulsive gambling” and “23 percent of college students report gambling online, with 6 percent doing so weekly.”
Did you know 80 to 90 percent of those who have attended Gamblers Anonymous have confessed to have committed illegal acts? Theft is very high on this list, I would suspect. Did you know that 63 percent confessed to writing bad checks? Did you know the most common crimes of problem gamblers is money related? This might appear obvious; but did you know forgery, fraud, embezzlement, larceny, shoplifting, and burglary are common crimes among compulsive gamblers. Personally, I have had problem gamblers that I knew, even employees, forge checks, commit fraud, and embezzled funds from my companies.
Gamblers have higher rates of depression, suicidal thoughts and actions, substance abuse, and PTSD [Post-traumatic stress disorder] caused by high levels of stress and anxiety. Stay clear of gambling and your life will be a lot easier. The devil wants you to believe that winning money by gambling will make your life easier. It won’t. Remember, Satan is the great deceiver, "the deceiver of the whole world” as noted in the Bible, Revelation 12:9.
There is scripture that deals with the sins of gambling:
The word of God warns us about falling into the trap of having a love of money:
1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Luke 16:13 –“No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”
There is no need or undue risks when it comes to investing or making money. God supplies all of our needs: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” [Philippians 4:19]. “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” [Hebrews 13:5].
Now, if you like to play cards or play typical gambling games without money, with friends and family, then I sure it is perfectly alright. But when you start playing with money, the whole game dynamics change. Attitudes begin to change, moods change, seriousness of the game changes, anger, greed, and jealousies can develop. It is best to keep money out of your games. And money is not a way of keeping score.
Are Compulsive Gamblers Demonized?
Are compulsive gamblers demonized? Yes, I believe they are. Compulsive gambling is a serious issue that damages many families and friendships. Gambling is not a godly activity. A compulsive gambler is and has addictive behavior. It quickly leads to compulsive lying, theft, alcoholism and many other addictive activities and great harm to many. The Bible is straight forward when it talks demons. Any addiction is likely to be the result of demonic influence. God did not create addictive personalities or addictive gamblers. Addictions are the work of the devil because the devil wants you enslaved so you will not reach the kingdom of God. The addictive gambler has invited in demons through sinful activity. The gambler has opened the door and let the demons in whether he is aware of it or not. Cast out the demon(s) and the compulsions and the addictions also live. As I mentioned earlier, I have known gamblers having more than one addictive problem. Now, to fully explain the expelling of demons is not in my plan for this section, but I will recommend an excellent book by Derek Prince called, “They Shall Expel Demons.”
Casting of Lots
Is to cast lots gambling? The Bible notes casting of lots or to cast lots at least twenty-five times, nineteen times in the Old Testament and five times in the New Testament. Casting of lots is gambling; it is taking a chance, making a bet and it is divination [predicting the future by supernatural means], taking matters into your own hands and not by the Word of God.
Casting of lots is defined as drawing straws, or using pebbles, dice or numbers, such as a lottery or even flipping a coin. You can also use cards to cast lots. You are relying of some form of luck or that God or god will choose the right person or action depending on the outcome of the gamble.
Casting of lots is ungodly because we are not relying on God but using a god in chance. God does not operate this way. Unless God tells you to cast lots and rely on the decision, lot casting is not in the will of God but the will of man. A Christian does not bet on luck, he submits to God and God’s will.
Betting on luck is gambling. Betting on God is a sure thing. I’m betting on God and the love of Jesus Christ and so should you. Our time on earth is short; let’s stop fooling around with wasteful games and get serious.