The Unclean Spirit [Matt. 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26]

April 24, 2024
Vol. II
Published by Christian Revival Mission, Inc.
Copyright ©* 2024 by Mihran Kulhanjian
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The Unclean Spirit
[Matt. 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26]
“When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.”
Luke 11:24-26
24 “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ 25 And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order. 26 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.”
What is Jesus Telling Us?
Lesson: Unbelief [all sin] hardens the heart and invites in unclean spirits. An unclean spirit is a demon [an evil disembodied spirit who searches for a body to dwell in]. Jesus explained to the religious leaders that simply cleaning up their lives will not do much, they must then fill themselves with God and His love, His Word and repent. Without being filled with God, an unclean spirit will return, but this time it will be worst because he will bring seven of his more wicked friends to live in you. Your house cannot be emptied of God. You must fill yourself with the Word of God if you want to keep the demons away. You get rid of the evil in your life and replace it with God's Word. You fill yourself up--all the way up with God. Satan aggressively attacks lazy and complacent Christians. And many deceived Christians slide into the devil's snare, for they do not put on the full armor of God [Ephesians 6]. Christians are not impervious to demons. So turn from sin and fill yourself with the power of the Holy Spirit. Fill yourself with the Word of God and other Spirit filled literature and recordings.
Occasion: The religious leaders asked Jesus for a miraculous sign to prove His authority. Prior to this, Jesus removed a demon from a man and they accused Him as working for the devil. The Pharisees where afraid of losing power because Jesus was gaining followers, so they accused against him. We know that Satan is the great accuser. Jesus answered "Does Satan cast out Satan?" (paraphrase). This also proves, through the pride of the Pharisees, the foolishness of the wise and learned. This is evident in our society today among educators in our schools and government leaders.
Memory Verse: Luke 11:24
When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.
□ Check box when verse is memorized
Practical Steps:
How Do We Expel Demons From Ourselves and Others?
Jesus confronted demons in people and so must we. Do not believe false representations of what you see in the movies about demons. Demons are peons and we have power and authority over them in the name of Jesus. Demons can be expelled from the body of a tormented Christian. Most if not all people, Christians included, have had at least one or many demons at one time or another. I believe, because of fear and a misunderstanding of demons, most Christians ignore and reject the idea of demons and being demonized. A lot of the misconceptions of demons come from unbelief from pastors and leaders in the Church. We must understand that demons torment us beginning in our thoughts; then manifested in our physical body and actions. Demons begin to work in the personality of a person, a person's soul. We are spirit, soul and body. We are a triune being and God created us. Our spirit (in Christ) is perfect but our soul and body are not. The devil and his demons attack our soul and body. We fight the attacks with the power and authority Christ has given us.
Jesus expelled demons and He told His disciple to do the same (Matthew 10:1, 7):
Jesus also commands us [all disciples] to heal the sick, and to cast out demons (unclean spirits) from all. Why does the Church not teach this? This is a mystery to me. I believe many are fearful of the devil and his demons and therefore, avoid the subject. Demons can only operate from a body. They are evil spirits that need a body to make a home in. They can only come into a body when they have been invited in through an open door. Many, including Christian, do not know that they invite in demons when they rebel against God. Although sin. opened the door for demons to enter; they can enter in from inheritance from the sins of your parents and grandparents.
Repeated sin leaves the doors and windows open for demons to enter and live in the person, changing personality and physical character of the person. There have been a few books written by deliverance Christians whose ministry has been focused on healing. Casting out demons is one part of healing illness, both physical and mental illness. Two books I would recommend on this subject are Expelling Demons by Derek Prince and Pigs in the Parlor by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond. There are many ways demons enter people.
Demons are known by their names. We know through Scripture and other historical records demons respond to names. Here is a short list of named demons:
Spirit of:
- Rejection
- Unforgiving
- Unbelief
- Pride
- Fear
- Depression and sadness
- Infirmities
- Cancer
- Fatigue
- Idleness
- All Addictions (alcohol, food, drugs, sports, sex, exercise, gambling, caffeine, nicotine, )
- Lying
- Unclean speech
- Self-righteousness
- Unjust anger or raving (righteous or holy anger is not sin)
- Lust (sexual, fantasy lust)
- Fornication
- Adultery
- Sexual perversion spirits (homosexuality, etc.)
- Animal spirits
- False doctrine (False religions, Yoga, martial arts [karate], acupuncture fall into this category) Activities derived from demonic religions cannot be separated from idolatry and the occult. There is a known demon of Yoga.
- Jezebel spirit (controlling, dominating, manipulating woman, usurping authority over weak husbands [pathetic men share equal blame])
- Death
- Suicide
- Mental illness (Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Dementia)
- Dominance (witchcraft)
- Murder and Violence
- Poverty
If you have any of these conditions or practice or have practiced sin bringing forward any of these things you could be demonized. Many do not realize demons in their own body until they recognize certain behaviors that are not in alignment with the Word of God. The Lord said "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6 ). We must know and apply the Word of God in our lives to receive His blessings and promises. Examine yourself carefully, your personality and physical changes, illnesses, constant worries and fears. These things are not from God.
With belief, we will cast out demons in Jesus' name. He gives us authority and power in His name over the enemy [Satan and his demons]. Nothing shall hurt us.
Mark 16:17: And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;
Luke 10:19: Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Expelling Demons
Identify the demon(s): We call out the demon by name. Such as "I command you unclean spirit of lust to come out in the name of Jesus Christ." Or "In the name of Jesus, I command you demon of fear, anxiety, anxiousness, nervously to come out, leave my body, this is not your home. This body belongs to Jesus Christ. If you feel you have an anger problem you might have a demon, because being angry all the time is not normal behavior. The demon of anger could have made his home in you. We say with authority: "I command you demon of anger to come out in the name of Jesus Christ." You repeat this several times until you feel the demon leave. Demons must respond to Jesus. You may feel a tingling in your body. Open your mouth. Nasty spirits will spit or cough out phlegm. This is common among spirits of uncleanness. You will know when the evil spirit has left. Jesus came to set us free and you will have a feeling of peace when unclean spirits leave.
All addictions are demonic. Addiction is control, the demon has taken control of the person. Repeated sin opens the door for addiction demons. The demon of alcoholism takes control of the individual after one sip of alcohol. I have known many with multiple addictions. We know that demons will invite their friends who are nastier than they are.
Confess your sins to God. Name all your sins you remember. Then ask got to forgive all your sins: sins of omission, sins of commission, sins you have willingly and unwilling committed.
Forgive all who have every harmed you. Forgiveness is a choice as to love is a choice. No matter how difficult it may be to forgive someone who has committed horrific act against you, you must forgive and forget it. You see, when you humble yourself to God and ask for forgiveness of your sins, God forgives you and He forgets it. He sees you clean and new, and your sins have never touched you. You are justified in Jesus Christ.
Repent from sin: Stop sinning. Turn from all sin and be holy.
Take your authority and power given to you in the name of Jesus: Be bold and confident with the Spirit of God in you. All believers have the power to cast out demons. Jesus gave us the power in His name.
Believe: You need to believe that the demon must leave on the command of Jesus. Demons are petrified of Jesus.
Take action: Put on the full armor of God [Ephesians 6]. If you want to be free of demons and evil in your life, you must take action. and kick the devil out of your life.
Speak to the Mountain: This is speaking directly to the problem. Command the demon where to go. "Leave now and go to dry places, in the name of Jesus." "I command you pain in my right knee leave, I was healed by the blood of Jesus--pain leave now--you do not belong hear--this is not your home.
Seek deliverance ministry: Some demons are very stubborn and may not leave. This is true among demons that may have been in you for a long time. Seek a deliverance ministry. This is usually a group of at least two to help remove the demons. A true deliverance minister does not charge a fee.
Proclamations and Prayers to Defeat and Expel Demons
- I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord (Psalm 118:17)
- I offer my body to the Lord as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1)
- God has given me a sound mind, power and love (2 Timothy 1:7)
- I am fearless. I do not have a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)
- I seek first the kingdom of God and He provides everything for me (Matthew 6:33)
- The Lord has healed me from all my diseases (Psalms 103:3)
- I am healed by the stripes and wounds of Jesus (Isaiah 53:5)
- I have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16)
- By the blood of Jesus and the word of my testimony I have overcome Satan (Rev. 12:11)
- I am redeemed from the curse to receive the blessings (Galatians 3:13)
- I can do all things through the One who empowers me within (Philippians 4:13)
- The evil one will not touch me (Job5:19)
- I trust in the Lord with all my heart and do not lean on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5)
- The Lord gives me hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)
Short Prayers
Lord, deliver me from evil, in Jesus' name. Amen. (Matthew 3:16)
Lord, heal your people from plagues and evil spirits, in Jesus' name. Amen. (Luke 7:21)
Lord, deliver me out of all my trouble, in Jesus' name. Amen. (Psalm 54:7)
Lord, deliver me from all my fears, in the name of Jesus. Amen. (Psalm 34:4)
Lord, heal thy servant of all diseases. In Jesus' name, I thank you. Amen (Psalm 103:
Self Deliverance
Here is a prayer borrowed from Bible teacher Derek Prince to expel demons:
Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only way to God. That you died on the cross for my sins, and rose again from the dead. I come to you now for mercy, and for forgiveness. I believe you do forgive me and receive me as your child. And because you receive me, I receive myself as a child of God. And now Lord, you know that special problem that I have. The demonic influences that torment me. Lord, I want to meet your conditions and receive your deliverance. First of all, I forgive every other person who ever harmed me or wronged me. I forgive them all now. Now pause for a moment and quietly name the persons you need to forgive, to yourself. We’re going on. Lord, I have forgiven all these persons. I have laid down all bitterness, all resentment, all hatred and all rebellion. And I believe you have forgiven me. I thank you for it. I also renounce every contact with Satan, with occult powers, with secret societies, with anything in Satan’s territory. I repent of being on that territory and I turn my back on it now. Also Lord, if there’s a curse over my life, I thank you that on the cross you were made a curse that I might be redeemed from the curse, and receive the blessing. And I claim that now, released from the curse and entering into the blessing. And now Lord, I want to come against any evil spirit in me that occupies any area of my personality. I want to tell you I hate them. They are my enemies. I will not make peace with them. I will not compromise with them. They will have no more place in me. I turn against them now and in the authority of your name, Jesus, I command them to leave me. I expel them right now in the name of Jesus. Amen.
- Why do unclean spirits return to the same person from once cast out?
- How many wicked friends does he bring with him?__________________________________
- The man now is in what kind of state?____________________________________________
- What must a believer do to keep demons away?_____________________________________
Answers for The Unclean Spirit
- The house is emptied, cleaned, swept and put in order. The house is not filled with God. We must stay in the Word and fill up our house with the Word.
Note: Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Let us walk in the Spirit every moment with our mind on God. Do not submit to the carnal fresh lest a worst thing happen to you.
- Seven.
- Worse state.
- Fill the house with the Word of God. Fill it daily, and fill it all the way.
Christians can have demons. We cannot be possessed, but we can be demonized or demon influenced. If we want to be demon free, we must fill ourselves with God's Word. Our house (our mind and heart) must be filled of God. We steer our eyes away from evil and perversions. We put on the full armor of God [Ephesians 6], not the half armor or only the helmet. We cover our body with God, whereby all the fiery darts of the devil cannot penetrate us. When temptation comes we do not succumb. We combat demons and the devil with the Word of God. This is what Jesus did. And we know He was sinless his whole life; "It is written."