
by Mihran Kulhanjian
I am going to cover four subjects in this article:
Praying for Government
When was the last time you prayed for your government? Have you ever prayed for a government leader, a person in authority or any person of an opposing party? Have you ever prayed for a liberal, a Marxist, a Democrat or Republican, or any person in a position you were not fond of? Have you ever prayed for lawmakers, judges or law enforcement? Most people, including Christians have not, even when the Bible says we should pray for those in these positions. Do you not know that the government has a way to make life easier or harder on us? Why do we then neglect them in our prayers?
Whether you believe your elected officials and others with appointed positions in government are qualified to govern makes no difference to your obligation to pray for them individually or corporately. Paul explains this in 1 Timothy 2:1-4:
Pray for All Men
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
This verse is called “Pray for All Men.” Supplication [asking], praying, intercession and giving thanks for all men. The word “all” means all. We do not pray for only people we agree with. As followers of Jesus Christ we pray for all men. You see, God says pray even for your enemies. In this world, man says hate and fight your enemies. God instructs us to fight with prayer, that our enemies, in this case government leaders we are not fond of, that we pray for them, that they see the light of Jesus Christ and are regenerated by the Holy Spirit to fall in line with God’s plan, His agenda, His laws. Therefore, we pray for all those in authority despite whether we like them or not.
Supporting a Candidate
Can a Christian vote for a liberal? No, almost never. A Christian supports God and obeys His commands. However, a Christian can and should pray for liberal politicians and governing authorities often; praying that those in authority have revelation of Jesus Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit and truth. Voting for anyone whose beliefs are contrary to God’s will and supports sin is an affront to God, and God will deal with corrupt leaders as He deals with the godless and God haters and non-repentant sinners.
A Christian should vote for the godliest candidate; one who supports a godly agenda. Does the candidate associate with Christians? Is he or she a true Christian? A candidate, who shows up in church once in a while, kisses babies, places his hand on a Bible and tries to quote a Bible verse (incorrectly), is a fraud, pandering and pretending to be righteous in his own little way to steer voters. “You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew: 7:16, 20). Most (perhaps all) politicians, sadly, are not fruitful; the spiritual man with spiritual discernment, given by God through the Holy Spirit knows this. Could you support a candidate that is pro-abortion? Could you support a candidate who has sympathetic socialist, Marxist views? What about a candidate who supports abortion? Absolutely not! No Christian can support such candidates with these godless agendas. Let us pray that those in government have revelation of Jesus Christ and that they obey His commands and are born again in the spirit.
Know Your Elected Officials
When the time comes to vote, know the candidates well. Where do they stand with God? Here is your quick hit list:
- Does the candidate walk in the light [1 John 1:5-7]
- Does the candidate believe in pro-life 100 percent?
- Does the candidate outwardly talk about Jesus Christ?
- Does the candidate outwardly support and profess the Ten Commandments?
- Does the candidate keep the commandments?
- Does the candidate support liberty and freedom for all? This means equal treatment, not privileged or special treatment for different minority groups?
- Does the candidate show fruits of the Spirit [Galatians 5:22-23]? Love, peace, joy, longsuffering, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.
- Does the candidate love what God loves, and outwardly confronts the evils that God hates? That is, does the candidate despise what God despises? God hates sin.
- Does the candidate support a limited government and free market society?
- Does the candidate walk in righteousness? [1 John 2:6].
- Does the candidate have a genuine care for others?
- Is the candidate vocal on the evils of liberalism, progressive agendas, socialism, communism, Marxism and other anti-God agendas?
Summing Up
In the beginning of this article I mentioned that Christians can almost never support a liberal politician. The words almost never is important because sometimes or in many situations candidates are not always cut and dry, godly or ungodly. In many cases their beliefs on certain issues are unannounced or diverted. We have to see what they vote for. A conservative does not mean the candidate is a God fearing Christian. In fact, roughly 50 percent of conservatives are not Christian [born again]. Many conservatives are conservative in only their business or social views. They believe in small government, anti-socialist programs, hard on drug offenses, including marijuana and other mind altering drugs, and strong on military defense and capital punishment.
A Muslim or Mormon or even a Hindu conservative is not a Christian although many of their values may align with Christian values. Their whole belief system is greatly flawed with perverse, false religious ideas and false doctrine, not to mention a false, imaginary god(s). So who do we support and cast our vote for? The answer is simple: The best candidate who will represent God and His agenda. However, we cannot support any candidate who is pro-abortion [pro-murder of the innocent], pro-homosexual behavior, pro-socialism [pro-Marxist or communist], pro-transgenderism, careless with money and spending, supporting, doing business with and making alliances with evil and corrupt nations and leaders and anything that is against God and His plan. Jesus came to set us free from the slavery of sin not to be joined in it.
The Evils of Socialism, Marxism and Communism
Young men and women do not be deceived; Socialism, Marxism and Communism are the same. Communism is nothing more than an aggressive agenda of Socialism, and Marxism the crux of it all.
No clear distinction can be drawn between “socialism” and “communism.” Marx distinguished two phases of progress toward full communism: first, a transitional phase under which the old inequalities would survive even as their foundations were being destroyed, to be followed by a second, higher phase, in which the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” would replace the principle “Equal work, equal pay.” Lenin defined the first phase as socialism and the second as communism. However, shortly after seizing power in Russia, he changed the name of his party from “Social Democratic” to “Communist,” and we shall use the term Communism to mean Leninist theory and practice. See Andrzej Walicki, Marxism and the Leap to the Kingdom of Freedom (Stanford, 1995), 93. [Communism A History, Pipes, Richard, Modern Library Edition 2001, Preface].
Most if not all communist countries use the words “democratic or socialist” in their name: the former Soviet Union was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Vietnam is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; North Korea is the Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea); China is different. They call themselves the Peoples Republic of China; Laos is called the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic. All communist countries define themselves as socialist and democratic. Isn’t this odd, a communist country calling itself a democracy? Socialists as well as Marxist and Communists are anti-God and have no need for Him. They believe man can control man. They believe man’s great problem is wrapped up in material things, worldly things, whereas God’s priorities lie with spiritual matters being the most important. God did not give man dominion over man. No man has a right, under God’s law, to control another human being and to control what that human being must thing and believe. God gave all men free will to choose. Under a socialist rule, this free will, this choice is taken away and replaced by the government; they will tell you what you should believe and what you should think about. They will tell you their truth, not the truth. Their truth is relative. In communist China it is illegal for parents to teach any religion to their children even in the privacy of their own home. Parents have and will be arrested for teaching their children about God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Why is Socialism Harmful, Dangerous and Anti-God?
There are many dangerous effects of socialist governments: (1) Socialism is against human nature and God’s free will design of man; (2) Socialism eliminates personal freedom; (3) Socialism destroys private property rights; (4) Socialism is against biblical marriage; (5)Socialism puts the state in control of education, not the parents of school age children; (6) Socialism endorses and promotes atheism; (7) Socialism is anti-God and mocks Christianity; (8) Socialism promotes relativism—a society without truth; (9) Socialism promotes unbiblical, extreme and unfettered equality; (10) Socialism punishes hardworking, God fearing individuals, small business and creativity; and (11) Socialism puts a huge about of power into the hands of few to rule.
Socialism is Against Human Nature
Human beings were created by God with free will. God did not create us as robots. When a government turns to socialism man’s free will vanishes; he is now controlled by the state. Repression begins. Government becomes totalitarian. Totalitarian is defined as a form of government that "prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. In totalitarian states, political power is often held by autocrats, such as dictators and absolute monarchs, who employ all-encompassing campaigns in which propaganda is broadcast by state-controlled mass media in order to control the citizenry.”**[]
Totalitarian governments included countries that were controlled by communists and dictators: Joseph Stalin of the former Soviet Union, Adolph Hitler of Nazi Germany, Mao Zedong of the Communist Chinese Party, Kim Il-Sung of Communist North Korea. All of these individuals murdered millions.
Socialism Eliminates Personal Freedom
In socialism the rights of the person is canceled. Government takes control of a person’s rights and responsibilities. Socialism destroys personal liberty; you are told what to do and how to do it. You are told what to eat and where to live, encompassing “a more equable distribution of the population over the country” [Marx’s The Communist Manifesto]. Socialism believes in distributing people. In socialism the person loses all freedom. There are no choices.
Socialism Destroys Private Property Rights
Have you ever heard of the term “redistribution of wealth?” It starts with socialist governments taking money [redistribution] from the hardworking wealthy [majority business owners], and giving it to the poor. This also starts with higher taxation on upper earners and then offering goods and services to the less prosperous. It punishes people with initiative, talents and savers. Private property eventually is confiscated by the state. Taxation is used to bring about a classless society spawning egalitarianism. When private property is abolished this will come to pass noted in The Communist Manifesto, as stated:
“Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
Confiscation of all property of all emigrants [every person] and rebels [people who do not fall in line with the socialist/Marxist ideology-agenda].
Socialism is Against Biblical Marriage
Socialism makes up its own morality and sees no morality in biblical [traditional] marriage. It is indifferent to marriage. In socialism there is no moral standard. The pendulum swings in the direction of whatever the state dictates.
Socialism Puts the State in Control of Education Not Parents
Socialism takes absolute control of educating children. At birth children are indoctrinated by public institutions were the parents have no say in the child’s education. The State will teach evolution where God and prayer are banned.
Socialism Endorses and Promotes Atheism
Allegiance must be given to the state and not to any religion. There is no room for religion in a socialist agenda. Christianity was hated by Marx. Socialism contradicts God and what is good in the sight of God. Communists need atheists. All must fall in line to love the state and not God.
Socialism is Anti-God and Mocks Christianity
As noted in the previous chapter, Socialism, Communism, and Marxism are basically indistinguishable from one another and are contrary to God. Socialism seeks man as the underlying controller of materialism and forces the state to take possession of all private property and distributing it as it sees fit. Christ is interested in our spiritual well-being. God will supply all of our needs not man or government. Christians rely on God, not man.
Socialism disregards God. God does not exist to the socialist. The state, not God, furnishes equally to the masses. Equality in socialism does not mean equal to all. It means equal as we [government leaders] to fit to distribute. Why do the founders of Black Lives Matter [a band of Marxist] and celebrity progressives and socialist live in million dollar homes with gates and security? Are they really going to give up their lifestyles of the rich and famous for the so called struggling labor class? Is
there really a struggling labor class in the United States? This is not the 19th Century with child workhouses is it? Let’s look for truth. In Jesus there is truth.
Socialism Promotes Relativism Not Truth
God is truth. Relativism is not truth. Relativism says there are many truths. This makes no sense, yet many in society believe in “my truth,” that is, truth is whatever you want it to be. Again, this is against the laws of God. There is one truth not many truths. There is but one God, not billions of gods. What kind of nuts do we become when a white eighteen year old boy comes out and says that he wants to be identified as nine year old black girl? And progressives support his decision. “Yes, he has a right to be whatever he wants to be,” they cry out. Does he? Is he a boy or a girl? There in only one truth. We do not make our own truth.
Socialism Promotes Unbiblical, Extreme and Unfettered Equality
God created man and woman equal. But, God said woman should submit to her husband. God created man first and woman after man to be his companion, his wife, to procreate. Most of us know that the woman was deceived first by Satan and man was then deceived by the woman.
Socialism Puts a Huge About of Power into The Hands of The Few to Rule, Not Govern
In socialism the government rule over the people. They do not govern. There is a big difference here. Ruling is telling, mandating and enforcing governments will over another person.
Summing Up
Socialism, Communism and Marxism—three evils in are one-the-same, is dangerous to any free society and it is against God’s will for man because it puts people into bondage and destroys the free will of man which has been given to man my God. Socialism must be squashed at all costs. Personal property is a right given by God. Socialism takes this right away. Socialism is anti-God and pro-State. Socialism cannot exist with God. Socialist countries are godless countries. The State takes dominion over the people with complete and abusive control and extreme power. Socialism and Communism are the same except that Socialism is a softer sounding stepping stone to full blown Communism. Socialism is anti-truth. Since it promotes relativism, there is no absolute truth. There is no moral law. The meaning of good and evil changes—it is relative. God’s law of right and wrong, good and evil does not exist in Socialism. What is good or evil evolves to what an evil society wants it to be.
Young people, you must understand the harm socialist government, policies and all those promoting socialist agendas are evil and against God. Nations that fall for such leaders destroy themselves. Simply look at every socialist or communist country. You do not want to live there; their standard of living is poor, unhealthy and demoralized--because it is against God's plan where man is free and man was created not to have dominion other man.
The Truth Behind Black Lives Matter and Marxism
In recent years the organization called Black Lives Matter or BLM has come on the scene purporting to be a group dedicated to improving black lives through the awareness of systemic discrimination and racism against black people. Is this true? No. This is not their agenda. Their goal is to establish a Marxist government under the pretense of drawing in members by using a cause and name of black racism as a tool to manipulate its supporters, donors and members. BLM is a fraud, and there is no such thing as systemic racism, as they purport. Systematic racism does not exist. Evidence supports the opposite of what BLM purports.
BLM is anti-God. All Marxist are. In Marxism God does not exist only the state. BLM stands for tactical chaos, disruption, disinformation, violence and lies. There is no truth in the organization. It is an ungodly organization formed to deceive in every way. It is contrary to God. BLM are God haters.
Is Black Lives Matter an Okay Group to Belong to?
No. The organization and all members [if true to their leadership] are anti-God, which means they are of the devil and they are the children of iniquity, the children of wrath. A Christian cannot be a member of this organization, no moral person could. It is against Christ in every way. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization through and through. Karl Marx was a professed God hater and an outspoken racist of Jews, blacks, and Christians. He despised woman [misogynist] and was a tyrant. His own son called him a devil. Marx was a bitter, unemployable [because of his hatred for himself and God], a habitually poor loser, blaming others for his wretched condition. So, he wrote a book with another loser, Friedrich Engels. Marxists are communist. Communism does not support any religion; it is anti-religion, anti-Christianity. Marx hated Christians. Engels said of Marx, that he had thousands of devils in his hair. Marx associated himself with evil and wanted to destroy all because of his hatred for God.
Marx was a drunkard, a habitual smoker and rarely washed—He was filthy. He never had a job, and lived off anyone he could, blaming others for his wretched condition. Both of his daughters committed suicide.
Communism is an abomination to God. Communists are God deniers and haters, where the State becomes god. Communism is slavery of the masses controlled by government [the few in power], stifling all human dignity, liberty and freedom. People under Marxism are in bondage. Freedom is gone. Allegiance to the State is mandatory. The State becomes god and man is nothing without the State.
Black Lives Matter does not care about, and is not for the love of black people or any people; they do not care about the oppressed; its agenda is to use and manipulate people to bring about chaos, to bring into fruition their political agenda, Marxism and a new order of government. BLM leaders [founders] Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometiln in an interview said the following: Cullors said, “Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.” And Tometi had met with Nicolas Maduro, the Marxist dictator of Venezuela. Black Lies Matter is about power and riches for its leaders. To reach its goals BLM distributes lies, disinformation, falsehoods, destruction, chaos and violence, doubt, fear, guilt, confusion, pride, slander, and envy; all the traits of Satan, including to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). BLM members are Satan’s band of destroyers on earth. God gave man dominion over the animals. He did not give man dominion over man. Man is a creation of a loving, holy and merciful God. God created man in His image. The animals are not created in His image. God gave His only .Son, Jesus so that we might know Him and live eternally in heaven with Him . God is love and He is holy. Black Lives Matter is hate and it is unholy. The opposite of love is hate. Hate is the devil.
BLM is all about the material world. They believe in the material world and only by the physical materials of this world are people equal and happy. This is the complete opposite of God. God is interested in your spirit. It is the spiritual life that will improve your entire life, here on earth and in heaven. Why is it that the founders of BLM live in lavish multi-million dollar homes, only after they formed BLM and received millions of dollars in donations from disillusioned and spiritually blinded people, political support, corporations and reprobate celebrities and billionaire. Cullors acquired four homes worth millions. Do all revolutionaries live high on the hog? Most communist and Marxist leaders live in splendor because they are in it for all the material wealth they can attain. But what about the poor, down-trotting, the working class, the proletariat, the laboring, depressed blacks that BLM says “It’s all for them, we do what we do”? That’s right. I need four homes worth millions. Yes, BLM is a fraud. And Marxism is lunacy with all the markings of Satan.BLM members and supporters will not make it to heaven unless they repent of their sins and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Look to Jesus; He is the way, the truth and the life. No one come to the Father but through Him [John 14:6].
Is it True that Black Lives Matter but Black Baby Lives Do Not Matter?
Is this true according to BLM? Why doesn’t BLM stand against black baby abortions? Black babies are the single most murdered group in America, perhaps in the world (millions are murdered every year), but BLM does not care about black babies or any group of people, including black people, because their agenda is not saving lives, it’s about creating division, strife, alienation, spreading filth and lies and dissension to further their political agenda. It’s all about their Marxist, communist agenda. Viva Revolution! That’s what they are all about. God hates rebellion. Satan rebelled against God. Every sinner rebels against God. It is an unbiblical based group of anarchist; God haters. Do not buy into their propaganda; it is right out of the communist playbook. Communism is evil. Satan is evil. Only evil or confused or ill-informed people support them. God is good. God is truth. He hates sin. He hates evil. Stick close to God. Obey Him. Walk with Him. Repent and live with belief in Jesus Christ, the only living God. Make him your only Lord and Savior. He will never forsake you. God has never broken a promise and He does what He said He would do and will do the things He says. You can trust Jesus always. Pray for those in BLM, that they see the light of Jesus and that they cry out for Him. Pray that they are called and repent of their transgressions and their visible sin and the dark sins in the secret mind. We have all been sinners in some form or fashion, but we do not have to be in Jesus Christ. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). But we can be washed, cleansed, justified, sanctified and finally glorified by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Seek Jesus today. Jesus is the truth. BLM is not truth.
BLM in agreement with Marx are for the dissolution of the nuclear family. To them parents should not have controlling interest in their own children. Children should be raise [indoctrinate] by extended families and villages and should be collectively cared for. In like, BLM is pro LGBTQ family units. This type of family structure is anti-God.
There is no such thing as systemic racism. Therefore, I will not get into Critical Race Theory because it is a Marxist concoction of disinformation and lies designed to divide people using racial excuses. BLM wants people to hate people and it does this with constant lies. This is how Marxist [Satan] works. Satan is the great deceiver, the king of all liars. Keep the lies in the public long enough and many will succumb to the lies as being truth. A Christian will not fall for theses lies because God has given the true believer truth and discernment.
Is Marxism Compatible with Christianity?
There are many good and helpful websites for young men and woman seeking truth to social and biblical based questions. One website is In an article titled Is Marxism compatible with the Christian Faith, the author [unknown] gives a clear response to the question. By courtesy of I have reprinted the entire article here.
Thus far, Marxism has never worked in real life—and, without exception, in the places where Marxism has been the governmental model, Christians have been persecuted. That’s because there’s a foundational difference between Marxism and Christianity, a deep divide that cannot be bridged. There are several aspects of Marxism, as a philosophy, that put it at odds with the Christian faith. Here are a few:
Marxism is, at heart, an atheistic philosophy with no room for belief in God. Karl Marx himself was clear on this point: “The first requisite of the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” (“A Criticism of the Hegelian Philosophy of Right,” 1844). Christianity, of course, is rooted in theism and is all about God. In the Marxist model, the state becomes the provider, sustainer, protector, and lawgiver for every citizen; in short, the state is viewed as God. Christians always appeal to a higher authority—the God of the universe—and Marxist governments don’t like the idea of there being any authority higher than themselves.
One of the basic tenets of Marxism is that the idea of private property must be abolished. Where Marxism has taken root, land owners see their property confiscated by the state, and private ownership of just about anything is outlawed. In abolishing private property, Marxism directly contradicts several biblical principles. The Bible assumes the existence of private property and issues commands to respect it: injunctions such as “You shall not steal” (Deuteronomy 5:19) are meaningless without private property. The Bible honors work and teaches that individuals are responsible to support themselves: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). The redistribution of wealth mandated by Marxism destroys accountability and the biblical work ethic. Jesus’ parable in Matthew 25:14–30 clearly teaches our responsibility to serve God with our (private) resources. There is no way to reconcile Marxism with the parable of the talents.
Marxism is ultimately about material things; Christianity is ultimately about spiritual things. Frederick Engels, a close associate of Karl Marx, said that Marx’s greatest insight was that “men must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing before they can pursue politics, science, art, religion and the like” (“Speech at the Grave of Karl Marx,” Highgate Cemetery, London. March 17, 1883, transcribed by Mike Lepore). In other words, Marxism seeks to meet the physical needs of man and posits that, until those needs are met, man is incapable of any aspirations higher than an animal-like existence. Jesus taught, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? . . . Seek first [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:26, 33). Marx taught, “Seek first man’s kingdom and the stuff of this world.” Jesus’ words are the antithesis of communism and Marxism, and it’s one reason why Karl Marx reviled Christianity.
The utopia that Marxism seeks to develop is earthly and man-made; Christians look to the Lord Jesus to establish a heavenly, perfect kingdom some day. Believers understand that, given man’s sinful nature, there is no perfect system in this world. Greed and abuse of power and selfishness and laziness will taint even the purest motives.
Attempting to combine Christianity with Marxism also ignores their widely divergent views on sin, God, equality, responsibility, and the value of human life. Of course, some people point to Acts 2:44–45 as proof that Christianity is compatible with communism: “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” Two things must be said here: first, this passage, as with much of Acts, is descriptive, not prescriptive; that is, this passage contains no command for the church to function this way; it is simply a description of what the early church in Jerusalem did to meet some unique and urgent needs. There is no indication that such extensive sharing was ever copied by other New Testament churches. Second, the communal arrangements in Acts were completely voluntary and motivated by the love of Christ. Any attempt to apply this to involuntary, secular (godless) communism really makes no sense.
In short, the Bible promotes freedom and personal responsibility, and neither of those concepts lasts long under Marxism. There’s a reason why, in Marxist states such as Communist China and Vietnam and the old Soviet Union, Christians are always persecuted—the ideas espoused by Marxism are antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The differences are irreconcilable. [Is Marxism compatible with the Christian Faith?]