Is The Righteous Man Blessed by God?

by Mihran Kulhanjian
My dearly beloved Friend,
We all want the blessings of God. God blesses those who fear Him. The man who fears God is a man who takes God seriously, respecting and revering Him, loving Him and obeying His commandments. To fear the Lord is not only obeying and loving Him but is also to fear the wrath of God as well. The righteous man obeys God. God has the ability, the power, to cast us in to hell forever. When we do the things that please God and avoid the things [sins] that displease God, He will bless us. He blesses us when we walk with Him.
When Adam and Eve lived in the Garden in friendship with God, they lived the easy life; it was a good life. They obeyed God and God took good care of them, providing for all their needs. They had need for nothing; They had is all. But once they disobeyed God, they lost fellowship with God and then the trouble set in. They hid themselves from God in the Garden. Adam and Eve did not repent after they sins and hid themselves. Adam blamed Eve. After God cast them out of the Garden, their son, Cain, became a murderer, killing his own brother. Satan filled Cain with envy and jealousy over his brother, Abel. All would suffer from the turmoil of sin and be cursed for not being obedient to God, by letting the devil in.
This reminds me of a story which isn't in the Bible but it very well could have been. The story goes like this: One day after the fall Adam took Cain and Abel to the outskirts of the land near the Garden of Eden. The land outside of the Garden was hard, rocky and filled with weeds. The land was dry, dusty and tough to work. Farming was hard and shepherding was hard. It was a hard life outside the Garden. Adam took the two boys to the border of the Garden. He pointed and said to the boys: "Look over there, in the Garden. That 's where your mother ate us out of house and home. We were living high on the land. We had it all, not a worry in the world." Yes, Adam and Eve had everything they needed when living in the Garden. But Adam left one fact out. It is important to remember, Adam was in charge of Eve. Eve was created for him. Adam was derelict in his responsibility of stressing to Eve "do not eat from the fruit of the tree of good and evil. God said not to eat from it less you die." Not only was Adam irresponsible to the welfare of his wife, Eve, he himself ate from the tree. Some believers say that the first thing they are going to do when they get to heaven is to punch Adam in the nose. Okay, you've heard that one before. Let's remember one thing: Although we are not living in the Garden and things in this life are not always easy, we can be assured that today we can have it all when we yield to Jesus, love God and love our neighbor.
It is true; we will be blessed when we obey God. This is promised in the Word of God. We can look in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 for the blessings of the obedient. We can also look unto the words of Jesus when He said "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him” (John 14:21). God is faithful and He is faithful to the obedient with blessings. When the Father loves you, He blesses you, for He is faithful to His Word. As Paul said in Romans 7:22 "I delight in the law of God according to the inward man."
God also curses the disobedient. We can see His curses in Deuteronomy 28, starting with verse 15 and also in Deuteronomy 27:17-26. And in Deuteronomy 30 we see His blessings as the lost return to the LORD.
There are conditions to God's blessings. In Psalm 112, the Psalmist explains the blessing of God on the righteous man and the conditions to this blessing:
The Blessed State of the Righteous
Psalm 112 begins with praising the Lord and blessing the man who fears the Lord. This beautiful Psalm continues to tell us that a good man helps and lends to the poor. He is generous in giving to the poor and His righteousness endures forever. Because the righteous man is not stingy and gives freely he is blessed Wealth and riches are in God's house the man who is committed to God's Word and His will, he will also be blessed with wealth and riches. Wealth and riches do not mean financial wealth exclusively, it means riches in an abundantly, full life with solid and loving relationships, good health, peace, love and a sound mind with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment in all things through the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer.
I recommend you print Psalm 112, frame it and place it on your wall. Read it daily committing it to memory. If you are in business and have employees, print a copy for each of your people. Tell them to read it daily. We can understand God's mind when we commit to Him. The nearer we get to God, the more He reveals to us, and when God is in us, the more we want to reveal to others, believers and the lost. If you are not compelled to help the poor and the oppressed, look at who you are in Christ. Is the Holy Spirit truly in you? Be honest with yourself. Cry out to God if you want God and you want Him close. He will show up if you humble yourself to Him. The humble will be exalted. Seek Him and He will reveal Himself to you. Repent and confess your sins to Him. Ask to be forgiven; for He has forgiven you. But you must accept His forgiveness. Without acceptance, there is no communion with the Father.
Many of the problems that come upon us are from our own irresponsibility's. When we make wrong choices God will deliver us from our mistakes when we trust in Him.
In the New Testament, Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ {Ephesians 1:3).
As obedient believers we are blessed with every spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. The heavenly places is where Jesus is, beyond this earth we receive the inheritance that Jesus received. But the blessings are also manifested in this world, for we are made righteous by the righteousness of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. We have received the blessing of being delivered from this present evil age:
Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father (Galatians 1:4).
We receive God's blessings by faith and the just shall live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38); and the righteous man is blessed by God.
Faithfully yours in Christ Jesus,
Mihran Kulhanjian
Christian Revival Mission, Inc.