Is a Women Permitted to Teach, Preach or Be a Pastor in a Church?



by Mihran Kulhanjian



My dear Friends,

Let's look closely at what Scripture says about who is permitted to teach or pastor in the Church.  In 1 Timothy 2:12 Paul says:

"And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence." 

We must believe that Paul was guided and instructed by the Holy Spirit to not permit a woman to teach (preaching or acting in the capacity of pastor, or in any leadership position over men) in the Church.  Paul did not appoint woman as elders in the Church. Although, women were involved in Church activity, they were not placed in leadership positions.  Many pastors and believers in our present perverse generation, have disregarded Paul's statement in 1 Timothy 2:12.  Why is this?  Have they forgotten that Paul was personally chosen by Christ to witness to the gentiles and that through the Holy Spirit, he wrote most of the New Testament?  Paul's relationship to the Lord was close, probably much closer than you or I will ever get.


In 1 Timothy 2:13-14, Paul tells us why women are not allowed to teach [pastor] in the Church:

 "For Adam was formed first, then Eve.  And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression."

The devil went first to the woman and the woman, unknowingly, deceived the man.


What Did Jesus Say about Women in Leadership and Teaching Positions in the Church?

Jesus respected women and loved women as He loved men.  His love is "agape" love. This type of love [from the Greek] is an unselfish love that God has for His creation.  It is a caring love that wants no harm to come to anyone. Agape is not a sensual, sentimental or a brotherly type of love; but, it is a love to be helpful and true to others including one's enemies.  When Jesus said "love your neighbor as yourself," (Mark 12:31). He is saying do not lie, cheat, steal, covet, accuse, give unrighteous judgment, slander, physically harm, or do anything harmful to your neighbor; for you do not want your neighbor to do any of these things to you.  Agape love leads us to pray for our enemies, as well as praying salvation and wellness for those we do not know intimately.


Although, Jesus had woman who believed in Him, following Him and the apostles, He did not put any woman in a leadership position when they were with Him or after His resurrection.  We must not ignore the fact that God has an order or role for woman and it is not the same as He has with men.  If we are true to God, we obey this order and live within the boundaries God has established for both men and woman. Nonetheless, the way to salvation is the same for men and woman.


 Here are a few facts: 

  • Jesus did not call any woman to be an apostle.
  • The original twelve disciples were men.
  • The seventy disciples that Jesus sent out to share the gospel, to heal the sick and cast out demons were men.
  • Jesus chose men to lead the mission, not woman.
  • All the apostles were men.
  • The Old and New Testaments were written by men.


A Woman's Place in God's Order

Men and woman are created equal to God; however, God has an order to all things including the role of woman in the Church and family.  God created woman for man to be man's helper; not the other way around.  Man was not created for woman. There is an order: God, Jesus, man, woman. A man by nature and by God's design is the leader in the family and the Church. However, when men surrender leadership, as they have in the past few decades (because of weakness and the creation of a false Jesus [God]), women have jumped in filling the vacuum. Satan does his work in the Church as he does in the world.


The Gifts of the Spirit

There are approximately twenty-one gifts the Spirit gives believers which are noted in Scripture. A believer could have one or many gifts.  To teach and pastor is a gift that is not for women. A woman might believe she is called to teach and pastor a congregation in a leadership role, but this in not biblical according to Scripture.  A woman may possess many of the other nineteen gifts but not the gift of teaching or in the capacity of pastor.  A woman [if called] could be a prophet, apostle, administrator, helper, evangelist, have mercy, helper, have the word of knowledge, wisdom, healing and working of miracles, speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, discerning spirits, and others (1 Corinthians 12:4:11); but is not permitted to be a teacher over men or led a congregation.


The Orthodox and Catholic Churches

In 300 AD the Kingdom of Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as its national religion. In the last 1,700 years the Armenian Apostolic Church as well as the Armenian Evangelical Church, which was formed in the 1840s, has not ordained a woman as a priest, pastor, or leader in the Church.


Likewise, the Roman Catholic Church was formed in the mid-fourth century and has remained (as I am aware of) to not have a woman in the priesthood or teaching positions over a congregation.


Most Orthodox Christian Churches that I know will not ordain a woman to priesthood or place a woman in a leadership position.  Russian, Greek, Syrian and other Orthodox Churches only allow men in leadership positions and in positions of teaching. 


Not until the late 20th Century did we see and hear of woman pastors. Why is this?  We know the Lord's Word does not change.  Why then have woman [and men] in the Church changed to let woman lead and pastor?  My answer is this:  In the End Times, deception and ungodliness [disobedience]  is common and rampant not only in the world but in the Church, and some woman want greater power or authority which compels them to contradict God's role for woman in the Church.  Some woman have taken charge because men have let them, even men in the Church, do not know the Word of God, having little or no discernment in biblical interpretation.  A recent study (believed to be from the Barna Group but not certain) found that roughly 33 percent of pastors are not born again.  If one is not filled with the Spirit of God, how could one know God or teach or pastor to others about God?  This is a big problem in the Church and sadly many congregations suffer from dead pastors.


Could a Woman Teach other Women?

There are many women's Bible study groups which meet once a week or more often to study Scripture.  I believe there is nothing wrong with this and I am all for it. However, if there are men in the study group which is led by a woman, I believe it to be inappropriate and contrary to Scripture and contrary to the order God has set for a woman as teacher over men about the Word of God.


Summing Up

When you seek God, you seek truth.  And when you know the Truth [Jesus Christ], you know there is an order to all things.  Woman have a specific and special order in God's plan in the Church. However, God's plan does not include women to be teachers, pastors, or take a leadership position in the Church.  Any woman who usurp men in the Church is going against God's order.  And any men who let women usurp authority over men in the Church is shameful and weak, and is grossly negligent in the responsibility given to them. Adam made this mistake.