God's Blessings on Acceptable Fasting for Christians

by Mihran Kulhanjian
My dear Friend,
I am going to offer you an introduction to fasting from Scripture. Primarily, I am going to share a commentary of Isaiah 58:6-12 on acceptable fasting. But first, let's acknowledge that biblical fasting is abstaining from food for spiritual reasons alone. Albeit, fasting in general, is healthful for body, mind and above all, the spirit, fasting is also a discipline believers should incorporate into their life. It is important that Christians fast, for there are many good reasons to fast.
I have taken a small section of a book I am writing called: How to Fast for Christians: A Lesson in Practical Fasting for Spiritual Renewal, Restoration and Breakthrough, to share with you how to fast and a few benefits from fasting. Fasting is a discipline and if you have problems that are not being satisfied by prayer, that is, your prayers don't seem to be answered, fasting with prayer may be necessary. It takes faith to fast, to deny oneself and rely on God and the work He has completed. Proper fasting also takes humility. We humble ourselves in faith that God will deliver us from our oppression and afflictions, and demons, with all power and authority given to us in the name of Jesus Christ. We know that Jesus prescribed prayer and fasting necessary to expel stubborn demons. We also know that prayer and fasting will renew and restore a weakened fellowship one might have when a believer has left God out for a while and has gotten caught up in the world.
With fasting, we crucify the flesh to get closer to God. We set self aside; that is, we deny ourselves of the physical, the flesh, the carnal, in this case food, that we might receive the mind of God by meditating on Him, His Word, the provisions in His Word and to gain the knowledge of God, and with answers from God. Christian fasting is a discipline and should be observed by all Christians. Jesus said in Matthew 6:17-18:
"But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly."
It is "when" you fast not "if" you decide to fast. Jesus expects us [believers] to fast. Jesus also says in this passage to keep your personal fasting a secret. Don't brag about it or boast drawing attention to yourself. We fast for a reason. We fast for spiritual reasons. Keep it that way and you will receive the blessings of God, the answers you seek, and His nearness when you fast. Pure fasting (abstaining from food) purifies the blood and the mind when executed properly, in humility.
God expects us to fast, to deny our flesh to get near to Him. Jesus fasted, the Old Testament prophets, and the New Testament disciples all fasted. Historically, fasting for spiritual purposes was common among God's obedient people and common among the Israelite's. Fasting (no food and/or drink) is Scriptural. When we fast we deny ourselves, we humble ourselves, and we seek God and His mind. When we fast, we set priority and the priority is to get near to God. That is, when we fast we prioritize what is important before God. For, we know that "man cannot live by bread alone, but by the every word out of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:5).
Jesus expects us to pray and fast. If we are serious about prayer let us also be serious about fasting with prayer, as this is in the Word of God. Jesus said in Matthew 17:2: "However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Jesus was explaining to His disciples of what was required to remove stubborn demons from the afflicted. Because of their unbelief, the disciples could not cast out the demon from the person. Therefore, Jesus told them that they must pray and fast to restore their faith and belief in the authority they have in the name of Jesus to expel demons. Fasting will restore our belief in the work Jesus has commanded us to do. So, we know fasting is necessary with prayer to replenish our belief in the work of expelling nasty demons.
Different Types of Fasts
There are several different types of fasts:
- Absolute fast (No food or water) Scriptural.
- Normal fast (No food, water only) Scriptural.
- Food only fast (juices and water okay)
- Intermittent fast (typically 14 to 23 hours [my interpretation])
- Partial fast (referred as the Daniel fast [fasting from certain foods; for 21 days Daniel ate only fruits and vegetables]) Scriptural.
- Corporate fast (with others) Scriptural.
- Non food fast (for people on medication or other medical conditions)
I do not believe fasting from using a cell phone, or watching T.V. or not eating desert after dinner are true fasts; but if you have a medical issue or take medication and need food with your condition or medication, then this type of a fast is perfectly alright. Remember, you are fasting are a spiritual purpose. A biblical fast is denying oneself of food or denying oneself of food and water or sacrificing something of importance or of necessity for you. Before you fast, pray over your fast. Your prayer could be something like this:
Fasting in the Old Testament
Let's look now in the Old Testament where fasting was used. We will begin with the promises of God from acceptable fasting for restoration in Isaiah 58:6-12.
Isaiah 58:6-12
To loose the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the heavy burdens,
To let the oppressed go free,
And that you break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;
When you see the naked, that you cover him,
And not hide yourself from your own flesh?
8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning,
Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you;
The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
9 Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’
The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,
10 If you extend your soul to the hungry
And satisfy the afflicted soul,
Then your light shall dawn in the darkness,
And your [darkness shall be as the noonday.
11 The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
12 Those from among you
Shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.
Fasting is about deliverance. It breaks the bonds of wickedness in us and removes the heavy burdens (anxiety and worry). Fasting delivers us from oppression. Fasting also is sharing food with the hungry. You can take the food which you have not eaten and give is to the poor and hungry. When fasting you can share your home with the homeless, giving shelter and clothing. Fasting will bring about speedy healing from illness and disease. Fasting satisfies the afflicted soul and brings light into your life again. The light is the light of men. Light is holiness and righteousness and the Lamb of God.
We fast to seek God. Job said:
"I have not departed from the commandment of His lips;
I have treasured the words of His mouth
More than my necessary food" (Job 23:12)
Job treasured [esteemed] God's Word more than food. We know in the New Testament that Jesus is the bread of life. He is life. As bread is for the physical body, fasting from bread, the foods that sustain the body is for complete health of spirit, soul and body.
Our fasting enables us to hear the Lord and to receive Him more clearly. Darkness is evil. We know from the Gospel According to John that the darkness could not comprehend the light [the devil cannot overcome Jesus, the light] (John 1:5). The darkness in us will vanish and we will be as bright as the noonday sun when we execute an acceptable fast prescribed by God.
Isaiah 58 explains God's promises to us when we execute a righteous fast. Not only are we blessed when we fast according to God's way, but our children and their children will also be blessed. Proper fasting repairs the breach, restores what was lost and blesses the generations.
In the New Testament, through Jesus, God hears our prayers and petitions. And when we fast, as the children of God, we receive the promises and blessings through Jesus as our Lord and Savior. God is faithful, and the promises of the Old Testament are alive for who receive them in faith in the name of Jesus.
When we fast, let's fast in truth as we pray in truth. Let's fast and pray in the spirit, and believe.