Defending the Fatherless and the Widow

My dear Friend,
Throughout the Psalms God tells us the harsh reality of the fatherless, the widow, the poor and the oppressed. He also says all will be judged and the wicked who abuse the vulnerable will pay the due penalty of their evil.
Let us now look at a few Scriptures in the Psalms. God shows us his hatred for those who mistreat, exploit, manipulate and harm the fatherless and the widow.
Psalm 68:5:
A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation.
While the rich and powerful from all nations and evil governments (including the current administration in the United States [Biden and Kamala Harris]), disregarding the fatherless and widows, God protects. He defends the fatherless and the widow and the unborn, murdered before birth. The powerful of this world only want to deal with those who can build them up with more power and riches; they have no interest in the poor and the oppressed, for which they are used and abused and manipulated. But all are beneath God and God sees all things and knows all people: the pure heart, the helper and the evil ones. And God's judgment on the evildoers is eminent. Believe this: no one escapes God's judgment. All will be judged, believers and unbelievers.
Psalm 82:3:
Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Psalm 82:3 refers to corrupted and bias judges who side with the rich and affluent who have the money to influence judgments. The poor and fatherless do not have any resources to depend themselves. They are set at the mercy of the court. The poor and fatherless cannot afford good lawyers to represent them; therefore they suffer unduly.
A good judge is to defend the poor and the fatherless fairly, not to disregard them because they are poor. A good judge does justice to the afflicted, the poor, the needy, the fatherless.
Psalm 94:6:
They (the wicked, the children of the devil [about 95% of the world's population*]) slay the widow and the stranger, And murder the fatherless.
*My estimate. Guilty are the silent who see evil, yet are silent and do nothing.
The children of the devil (not the children of God) go after the poor and the defenseless. They are taken advantage of and abused in many ways, being used as objects by government and the ruling class (pronounced in Socialist and Marxist government). We see this every day in news reports. The ungodly always manipulate the abuse woman when there is no husband to stand up for them. And children without a father are likewise sought for abuse. We see this today, which is prevalent in sex trafficking of children and single mothers.
Satan is indeed a coward and his children in this world are also cowards who prey on the vulnerable in society. This is a world problem, not exclusive to the United States. The mess with the U.S. southern border has opened the door for massive abuse of children and young woman as sex slaves for perverts, trafficked into prostitution slaves and all that is vile and unholy, and an abomination to God and His children. There are countless murders of fatherless children which we should all be outraged. But in a society where we murder the unborn, is there no doubt why government does not report the murder of the fatherless. The murder rate among the liberal government is astonishing. But what can we expect from a government void of God, but a government filled with evil and ungodliness—a government and world filled with reprobates whose minds are on creating new laws for endorsing sexual perversions and unholy behavior. Stopping sex trafficking of the most vulnerable is combated primarily by private Christian individuals, ministries and groups who love Jesus. Governments seem to do little because they care little. And governments care little because those in government are not in God and the glory of God is nowhere to be seen in them. Most people in government are full of themselves and fools to themselves.
Psalm 10:18:
To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more.
The fatherless and the oppressed will be vindicated and justice will prevail. God is a righteous judge and he corrects the abuses man puts on the vulnerable.
If we see injustice and do nothing, we are guilty. For, we have nothing to fear. If God is with us who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). No one. What is life worth if not for God? It is not worth anything.
I don't go to the movies often. In fact, in the last ten years I have seen one movie in a movie theater. I watched a movie last year called "Sound of Freedom." It was about kidnapping and sex trafficking of children. It was a true story and I was surprised to hear that the United States is the number one perverted country abusing children. It was a hard movie for me to watch, but two godly men (Andrew Wommack and I believe Gordon Robertson) recommend the movie, so one afternoon I went to go see the movie. There were only about five people in the entire audience. My eyes filled with tears at times while watching this movie and naturally I was angry at what I heard and saw and learned.
The evil in this world is great and much of it is hidden because the darkness cannot come out into the light. People do not really want to know how dark the world really is. But I will tell you this: evil is rampant and we are in the last of the Last Days. Every word of the Bible is true. And time is running out for all who have not received Jesus as Lord and Savior. Turn to Him, and cry out to Him. Repent! Turn from your sin and your idolatry. You will never regret it, but you will rejoice forever and you will live in peace knowing the Truth and abiding in it.
My Bible is filled with wrinkled pages from dried tears. Is yours? It should be. It is for the unsaved that we weep, for as Jesus said: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do, (Luke 23:34). Nor do they know the torment that awaits them after this life. Repent before it is too late. Love the Lord Jesus Christ and put all your trust in Him. He died for you. Will you live for Him?
Grace and peace be yours in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Mihran Kulhanjian
Mihran Kulhanjian
Christian Revival Mission, Inc.